History: 1982 Suzuki GN125 single cylinder 4stoke 10,000kms. Always garaged never ridden hard or never dumped. I am the second owner as of Jan 2005. Previous owner is a relative. Not 1 spec of rust on the entire bike. Not even any scuffs/scratches on the chrome or paint.
Found that the bike sat since 1996 with full tank of untreated gas with the pet valve ON. Right away I drained the tank (absolutely no rust) and carb. Pulled carb out of bike and completely dismantled carb of all removable parts. I scrubbed and cleaned as much as I possibly could without a good carb body dip. I reassembled shiney clean smooth sliding carb and installed on bike. New gas in tank and the bike started right away. I drained and changed the oil which also sat since 1996. Cleaned and oiled air filter. I restarted bike and allowed to warm up well.
1) Fuel drips out of carb overflow tube when sitting not running....I have a new float needle/seat/oring on order as that was leaking.
2) The O-Ring between the engine and the rubber boot manifold thing was flat and hard. Is this oring/gasket supposed to be round like an oring or could this be related to my next question.
3) After warming up the idle is rough and sputtery. The return-to-idle is slow. Also the air screw does absolutely nothing to effect anything. I can tighten it up or loosen it any amount of turns. Only when the air screw is removed does the bike sputter out and die.
#3 is really confusing me but I am thinking it is a very lean problem due to the manifold oring/gasket thing.
Anyone with any advice on this should be simple single carb single cylinder would make me a very happy new bike owner.
I have been riding for a few weeks to see if things sort themselves out. Kinda interesting with bike wanting to die when clutch coasting or sitting at stops.