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Removing stock oil cooler GS1150 1984

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    oil filter

    Hi Karl

    My service manual diagram does not have the oil cooler or second by-pass (indicated with the two brackets ][) as they were not present on the 1980 bike.

    I reckon that your oil pressure light/instrument would indicate if there was a problem with oil pressure.

    I would feel darn awful if anything went wrong with your bike and wish that I could be of assistance on this but fear I am not able to provide sound advice at this time. I will look forward to hearing how this is resolved.



      Re: oil filter

      Originally posted by patrikobrien
      Hi Karl

      My service manual diagram does not have the oil cooler or second by-pass (indicated with the two brackets ][) as they were not present on the 1980 bike.

      I reckon that your oil pressure light/instrument would indicate if there was a problem with oil pressure.

      I would feel darn awful if anything went wrong with your bike and wish that I could be of assistance on this but fear I am not able to provide sound advice at this time. I will look forward to hearing how this is resolved.

      Thanks for your replies Patrick,

      I will continue try to found out the secret of the ] [ brackets in my lub. description.


        Originally posted by SLOWPOKE/SCOTTY
        Karl how far is lidingo from Stockholm and is there a bridge?
        Scotty, Liding? is spelled with an ? and not with an o, as a matter of fact ? means island in Swedish (we save some letters there, on a national basis it means some gigabytes), I'm still impressed that you know there was a bridge...... 8O

        Just press Alt and then 153 or Alt and then 148 simultaneously and see what happens.


          Originally posted by kz
          Originally posted by SLOWPOKE/SCOTTY
          Karl how far is lidingo from Stockholm and is there a bridge?
          Scotty, Liding? is spelled with an ? and not with an o, as a matter of fact ? means island in Swedish (we save some letters there, on a national basis it means some gigabytes), I'm still impressed that you know there was a bridge...... 8O

          Just press Alt and then 153 or Alt and then 148 simultaneously and see what happens.
          why?? sweeden is not exactly an un heard of place--now tell me how far you are from torsvik please


            Originally posted by SLOWPOKE/SCOTTY
            why?? sweeden is not exactly an un heard of place--now tell me how far you are from torsvik please
            OK, but I have meet people who seriously thought that German was our native language, that Switzerland was the same as Sweden, that SKF means Schweinfurter Kugellager Fabrik, marketing people who thought that there was 60 million inhabitants in Sweden and wondering why the sales not was according to that and a lot of people never heard of Sweden at all... :roll: :roll:

            So, I am even more impressed now then you know about Torsvik, not even all my colleagues at work does know that, it's about 5 minutes away from there I live (with the GS 2,8 min).


              I cheat Karl
              when ever i meet someone from a country that i know little about, I place a map on my desktop.
              Now please answer another question for me--In studyong the map of your island i noticed towns((i think)) ending in the letters VAGEN. Please tell me what that means/
              Thanks for the patience


                Originally posted by SLOWPOKE/SCOTTY
                I cheat Karl
                when ever i meet someone from a country that i know little about, I place a map on my desktop.
                Now please answer another question for me--In studyong the map of your island i noticed towns((i think)) ending in the letters VAGEN. Please tell me what that means/
                Thanks for the patience
                Wouldn't I think so, Torsvik is not exactly the place the world turns around.

                OK, VAGEN is actually V?GEN and means the way, V?G means way, similar is GATA that means street (a little bit bigger V?G).

                Can you read the Swedish letters I write, ??? ????


                  Hej landsbroder. Efter jag sett ditt schema hade jag inte pluggat an*@%^$*@%^$*@%^$*@%^$ningarna, d? g?r all olja genom bypassen d?r du har en strypning som visas med symbolen de tv? klamrarna. S?tt en slang emellan om det ?r m?jligt.

                  Sorry GS-brothers but its lot easier for me talk to Karl in our language but my suggest was not to plug the line then the oil go trough the bypassvalve with the smaller hole "strypning" in swedish I cant translate it



                    Originally posted by Lars
                    Hej landsbroder. Efter jag sett ditt schema hade jag inte pluggat an*@%^$*@%^$*@%^$*@%^$ningarna, d? g?r all olja genom bypassen d?r du har en strypning som visas med symbolen de tv? klamrarna. S?tt en slang emellan om det ?r m?jligt.

                    Sorry GS-brothers but its lot easier for me talk to Karl in our language but my suggest was not to plug the line then the oil go trough the bypassvalve with the smaller hole "strypning" in swedish I cant translate it

                    Sorry GS-brothers but its lot easier for me talk to Lars in our language becauseI think also the brackets ] [ on the schematic is a "strypning" and I cant translate it either, the closest translation I can think of is "narrowing passage" (maybe I should buy that dictionary after all)

                    Hej Lars!

                    Kul att det finns fler svenskar h?r, s?g p? din hemsida att du kommer fr?n s?dra regionerna, bra sida det h?r, som jag faktiskt f?tt en hel del meckar-hj?lp fr?n.

                    Jag tror ocks? klammrarna ?r n?gon form av strypning och ?r r?dd f?r att om jag bara pluggar h?len s? kanske visserligen oljetrycket fortfarande ?r OK, men fl?det blir f?r litet.

                    Tror jag ska ringa till MC-Shopen Karlstad eller Scheiders i V?sby och se om de vet.

                    Du skrev f?rut om import fr?n Tyskland, och jag s?g att man kan f? en GSX1100 f?r ca 10.000:-, vet du om det bara ?r att k?ra hem en s?n hoj, t?nkte k?pa en likadan som jag har och plocka delar fr?n den.

                    Tror annars att vi ska f?rs?ka skriva p? engelska h?r.

                    Translation last sentence.

                    I think we should try to communicate in English here, as politeness to our other GS-brothers who doesn't understand Swedish.


                      Hej Karl
                      I think you are right, we shall use the English language in this place and I really need to practice the language. My English teacher and I was not on the same wavelength You ask me about import from Germany. The only thing you have to do to import vehicle from another EU-country is to bring the original registration certificat and apply for temporary registration until you take it to registration inspection. If you import it as a junk I think there are other rules. Check v?gverkets och bilprovningens website
                      Here in south Sweden there is company who import mc you asking for.



                        Originally posted by Lars
                        Hej Karl
                        My English teacher and I was not on the same wavelength Lars
                        Hej Lars!

                        Thanks for your inputs,

                        Pretty much the same here, I wasn?t to fond of English class at school, but I think we picked up something at least.

                        The English practicing is a perfect excuse to then my wife asks me why I am spending so much time at this site.

                        Here are some tips for the Swedish users:

                        1. On-line dictionary (does not contain "strypning" otherwise very good).

                        2. Copy the text you wrote to MS-word and the spell-check works even for English text if you change the languages settings on a blank document in Word to English. After the spell-check you just copy it back to the message.


                          Originally posted by kz
                          Originally posted by Lars
                          Hej Karl
                          My English teacher and I was not on the same wavelength Lars

                          Here are some tips for the Swedish users:

                          1. On-line dictionary (does not contain "strypning" otherwise very good).

                          2. Copy the text you wrote to MS-word and the spell-check works even for English text if you change the languages settings on a blank document in Word to English. After the spell-check you just copy it back to the message.
                          Thanks Karl I alredy use skolverkets lexikon its very helpful.



                            There is no thermostat fitted to the oil cooler system on these bikes, there is a fairly simple way to fit one as I recall but I do not at this moment remember how.I will check it out and post as soon as I know.


                              Originally posted by Dink
                              There is no thermostat fitted to the oil cooler system on these bikes, there is a fairly simple way to fit one as I recall but I do not at this moment remember how.I will check it out and post as soon as I know.
                              Thanks Dink,

                              That would probably be the best solution, please let me know if you find out.


                                The simplest way, of course as you have a temp guauge, is to fit a cover over the oil cooler..and remove it when necessary....

                                The more high tech solution is fitting a thermostat. In looking for transmission coolers for the car I found oil cooler thermostats that would be ideal..Perma Cool makes some (US company) as I assume do others.

