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CV carb boot replacement question...

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    CV carb boot replacement question...

    Greetings, I'm replacing the carb boots from my bike (the ones between the carbs and the engine) with rubber hose.

    I wanted to try this before I order a brand new OEM set from BikeBandit to see if it works good. A few of the people that race at Budds Creek here in Maryland suggested it to me the other weekend when I was out there watching the races and also my personal guru/mechanic said that it would work great too.

    My question is...What size hose would it be that mounts on the 80+ year carbs-engine?

    I mean, I can go home and grab my spare set of carbs and just measure those but if someone knows the specs I can buy it on the way home with the hose clamps and be done with it.

    Thanks as always,

    Hey man,

    I recently decided it was time to replace my carb boots and looked into using radiator hose as well. So I went to measure the specifics and found that the carb manifold and the engine intake manifolds are a different size. Just barely off, about 2-3mm. That was enough to make me pony up the cash to buy the real deal. I used Ron Ayres and got all four boots and 8 OEM carb clamps for around $54 shipped. I think it's worth it, they should last another 22 years easy.
    Currently bikeless
    '81 GS 1100EX - "Peace, by superior fire power."
    '06 FZ1000 - "What we are dealing with here, is a COMPLETE lack of respect for the law."

    I ride, therefore I am.... constantly buying new tires.

    "Tell me what kind of an accident you are going to have, and I will tell you which helmet to wear." - Harry Hurt


      Ah darn...2-3MM is a lot.
      That sucks...

      Well, it will be another 2 months before I have the 54 dollars to spare towards new carb boots.



        I wouldn't sweat the 2-3 mm dood. Use a good hose clamp and some hi-temp grease to ensure a seal and tighten them down. The guys that are doing this, that's what they are doing. I have seen bikes first hand at the garage this way. Apparantly it works well. Do you realize how small 3mm is?

        I wouldn't sweat it if your in a pinch for money. Me personally I would pony up the dough like Jethro but for as tight as you say your budget is then this is a go if you ask me. I just don't see it being an issue. Try if you can to get hose that is the size of the smaller opening so it will fit tight over the larger one or if they have enough size variation a size right in the middle of the two would be perfect. Even if you have to get a size that fits the larger side it will still work. You just need to ensure a good seal.


          Hallelujah!! Whew...I will go ahead then.

          I was going to go back and ask the guy that I met at Budds Creek that has the hose on his carbs if I could buy his off of him.

          He has a GS1100 that is set up for racing. Hey I think I have a pic of it... (Click on picture for hi-res version)


            Wowie zowie! That bike will get the job done!
            Currently bikeless
            '81 GS 1100EX - "Peace, by superior fire power."
            '06 FZ1000 - "What we are dealing with here, is a COMPLETE lack of respect for the law."

            I ride, therefore I am.... constantly buying new tires.

            "Tell me what kind of an accident you are going to have, and I will tell you which helmet to wear." - Harry Hurt


              So...does anyone know the diameter of the 198i GS750L engine flange for the carbs and also the flange on the carbs?

              Just thought I'd take another shot at the info before I head home in a little bit. If not I'll get the specs when I get home later.

              Thanks everyone!


                Your best off basing your purchase on your own measurments bro


                  Originally posted by Hoomgar
                  Your best off basing your purchase on your own measurments bro
                  Yes, you're right. I better play it safe.
                  Thanks again bud.

