I tested the rectifier based on the chart in the book and it failed. I also measured the voltage on the batery while the bike is running and it was just under 12V.
I have two manuals for this bike, one from Clymer and the other from Haynes. The Clymer shows how to test 1978 models and earlier but does not mention '78 and later. I looked in the Haynes manual and it has a chart showing resistances between certain points on the rectifier.
Based on this chart the rectifier is bad. I guess this chart must be similair for a wide variety of GS bikes. This manual does not list my bike as one of the bikes they cover... here is the list they cover(my bike must be the same as one of these)
manual covers '79-'85
which one of these bikes is very similair to my '84GS400E, it seems like a rare bike us US, is this a Europeon version or something.
Now it looks like i need a rectifier, Electrex wants $105US about 170 CAN.
I was thinking of trying to find a used one. This rectifier has no wires coming out of it, male plug(5 prongs) is build onto the rectifier. What other GS models, other than the ones above, will work on my bike, as long as they are the same electrically, i could probably modify the mounting or cut off the plug, etc.
Any suggestions are appreciated, sorry for winded discription, hope i made sense.