Before i start i just want to thank everyone who has helped me in the past! You guys are great and i love the web site!
This is another Charging question.. and i see that in the last 10 topics there are like 4 charging issues... so i hope you guys don't get mad at me..
Let me start again with my bike information.....
1982 Suzuki GS1100GLZ
24,000miles i think..
about 2 months ago.. RE did the carbs... ETC....
The bike Runs really well.. It takes about 5 mins to warm up.. and then its awesome..
Battery is pretty much new,.. only bought 5 months ago.. once a week its on my trickle charger.
All the electrical connections are old.. but have been looked through and made sure there is continuity between ALL connections.
Here is the situation.....
I have 13+/- volts at the battery.. Did a load test on the battery.. Battery is good.
Checked the Stator usuing the stator papers. All legs are hitting about 75 volts(AC) at around 5 grand (RPM).
Checked my regulator.. and IT checks out to be good.. Good resistance etc..
With everything pluged in r/r and stator.. etc... the battery sees 12.6 to 12.75 at IDLE...
when the engine is revving at around 5 grand.. its only hitting around 13.5.
Some where in the stator papers its says the charging ranges from 13.5 to 14+ is good.... So i thought all is well.
BUT.. when i drive the bike for about 20 mins... i check my battery voltage... and its like at 11.4 volts. I AM LIKE WHAT THE HELL???????even one time i drove it for 20 mins and the bike would not start afterwards.... it really SUCKED...
I know the r/r is charging the battery.. i know the stator works.. so whats happening.. I know the wattage from all the lights and stuff are there.. but still.. shouldn't it still recharge.... SOOOOO
I bought a BRAND NEW regulator from a guy on ebay..(thats what he said) and as soon as i plug it in and turn the bike on.. it blows my MAIN fuse.. and everytime i turn the bike on.. it blows... and i am like.. whats the deal..
so.. with all that.. my orginal stuff checks out... and charges.. but for some reason its not enough.. and my new regulator is blowing fuses..
ANY IDEAS.. please feel free to email me
THanks for ALL your help guys!
take care