Brian Morel
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Ignition Problems
Ignition Problems
I am getting a weak spark on cylinders 2 and 3, and no spark on 1 and 4. I have checked the coils and both have 4.2 ohms on the promary side and 11 K ohms on the secondary side. The coil plug connectors are flipped between the two coils so I cannot just swap and try that. I have tested the signal generator and it is within the specs given in my clymer manual. I also tried clymer's instructions for the ignitor box, but only cylinder 3 sparked and not cylinder 4. Is it safe to assume that the ignitor is shot, or is there some other tests I can do to it. The bike is a 80 GS750L.
Brian MorelTags: None
ignitor test
Brian, did you figure out your igniter problem?
I'm troubleshooting mine too--I get spark at all 4 plugs when cranking, but I don't get any spark (on either 3 or 4) when doing the test with ohmmeter (positive lead to blue wire at connector, black to green). I'm using a small electronic autoranging meter, which does let you lock the range to 1 ohm, but no spark at all. So I'm wondering if my particular meter isn't sending enough juice to the igniter to trip it.
very weak spark on GS750L
Hi guys I have a 80 GS750L with the tscc Motor. Well to make a long story short I have put new coils, plugs wires, ignitor on it with no help for my problem. the spark is very weak on every cylinder. So if you happen to find out a remedy I am listening.
Perhaps the battery is dead or close to it.
Check that and how well your bike is charging and see if that is not the problem.
When my stator slowly died, my fuel mixture got richer and richer and the spark got weaker and weaker as the battery drained.
No combination of ignition component replacement fixed it till I replaced the stator and regulator with Electrex items.
Good luck,
I lost cylinders 1 and 4 on my 80 550E about two months ago. I traced it to a bad ignitor as well. After trying to find an ignitor on the cheap I gave up and spent the $160 and installed a Dyna-S from MPS. It took me a long afternoon and evening to install it, but now the bike runs great. This may not be the route you want to go, but I found that it worked great for my bike.
My problem was the ignitor, I picked up a used one of ebay, and now am getting good spark on all four cylinders. I also had problems with a newer multimeter, but my dad had one around from the early eighties, and that worked well for the ignitor test.
Hey!! What is the Ignitor box called that DYNA makes?
I checked ebay for a "DYNA-S" and all I saw was the electronic ignition thing that fits into the right hand crankcase (That compartment that has the spinning thing that signals to the ignitor-box when to fire).
What is the "DYNA" brand ignitor box called?
It is a dyna-s, it replacesthe ignitor and the signal generator, and fits right where you said. I believe you need a mechanical advance of a older points ignition though.
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A Dyna S does not use a separate ignitor box. GS's are 80's technology.
The Dyna S is 21st century tech. The "ignitor box" is self contained in the crank trigger housings. :-) You must have a mechainical advance to use a Dyna S system. Fortunately, retrofitting a mechanical advance is easy and foolproof. :-)
Originally posted by Detman101Hey!! What is the Ignitor box called that DYNA makes?
I checked ebay for a "DYNA-S" and all I saw was the electronic ignition thing that fits into the right hand crankcase (That compartment that has the spinning thing that signals to the ignitor-box when to fire).
What is the "DYNA" brand ignitor box called?Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.