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Stator/Charging System Conundrum

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    Stator/Charging System Conundrum

    Ok, here's a good one. To go back in time my charging system was not working at all. I replaced the reg/Rec witha new one. I took outhe totally friend looking stator, which still showed continuity with in stator paper specs. and put in a used one thatwas from a know working bike. I also replaced the rotor because after putting in the stator the system was still not working. And I know sometimes if a stator fries real good it can demagnatize the rotor. It now charges at 6/10ths of a volt, and atthe battery it reads 12.1 to 12.5 volts, so it was keeping up, justnot at 14 v. Until the bikewarms up then it starts loosing. Not as fast as before but still looses. The stator still shows on;y 6/10ths of a volt, not the 70-80 like its suposed to. So, I think I'm gonna buy a new stator , now that Electrex/Electrosport is back in business. But thought I'd put it up to the masses 1st.

    It now charges at 6/10ths of a volt, and atthe battery it reads 12.1 to 12.5 volts, so it was keeping up, justnot at 14 v. Until the bikewarms up then it starts loosing. Not as fast as before but still looses. The stator still shows on;y 6/10ths of a volt, not the 70-80 like its suposed to.
    Is the .6 volt reading AC Or DC? Is it the same measured across all 3 legs of the stator?
    (by this I mean measured voltage AC across legs 1&2, 2&3, 1&3). Did you test the R/R? Hows the rest of the wiring?
    If you want to check an alternative to Electrosport, try



      .6 V AC and is consistent across all pairings. The RR is new and tests fine, it just doesn't seem to be getting any juice to rectify. The rest of the wiring appears to be fine.


        Ouch! I've never seen readings that low. Definitely time for a new one.



          If you haven't already, check the wht/grn wire from the stator that goes up to the ignition switch harness that is near the coils. It gets tied to a wht/red wire that goes back down to the R/R. If you look at the wiring diagram there's no reason for that wire to not go straight to the R/R. I've been told you can lose up to a volt that way. Modified mine today and now am seeing 13V +/- .2V at idle. I installed a new Elektrex stator & R/R about a month ago and now am wondering if both were necessary. BTW, the wires of which I speak were burned in the connector. I think there is a colr wiring diagram on the GSR somewhere if that helps. This may not fix your problem but it will definitely help your charging system.

