Can old hard float bowl gaskets that DO NOT leak gas effect the performace of these cv carbs?
I have been have a hell of a time triing to get my bike to run as well as it was before i decied to clean them. Some back ground info the bike was running pretty good but seemed a little off so i figured i would take the carb apart and spay out the offices and stuff, basic carb work making sure the little jets didn't have little particals causeing troubel. i had to pull the carbs anyway so i could install a oil cooler adapter.
i am no dumbey when it comes to carbs i have a pretty good idea how they work and stuff, so i take em apart puttig back together and set everything back to what i had, and now it's running like crap i tried a whole bunch of stuff and it still isn't much better, so the only thing i can think of is the float bowl had a nice seal, now they don't cause i took'em off.
i have been over these carbs over and over spend 2 weekend tring to figure it out, i just when through and recleaned one of the carbs before it got dark and it was spotless before i cleaned it now it is double spotless....
i have no idea, i just needed to vent.
any ideas?