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easy questions for you

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    easy questions for you

    On the wonderful carburetor clean and repair pictorial by John Bloemer it shows that you should spray various passages after the chem dip. What exactly is he spraying in to these pasages?

    Thanks and wish me luck on my first rebuild!!



      Glad I asked and even more glad that you answered! 8O


        In addition to air, I believe he is also spraying regular carb cleaner from a can. When I did mine it took off some of the stuff that the dip didn't. Watch your eyes, though- it can come out in unexpected places.


          Originally posted by ptm
          In addition to air, I believe he is also spraying regular carb cleaner from a can. When I did mine it took off some of the stuff that the dip didn't. Watch your eyes, though- it can come out in unexpected places.
          Both accurate points. Definitely use goggles for your eyes. The chemicals can do unkind things to them, quickly.

          Use a commercial carb cleaner, and fit the tube nozzle to get some of the tiny areas. I had recurring problems with a clogged pilot jet. After using a tiny wire to dislodge the clog, blowing through it orally, and reassembling the carbs, the problem returned.

          The piece that caused the blockage was so small I could not see it and thought it was gone, but it was still inside the jet, just not blocking the opening.

          Once gas began to flow to feed the engine, it again blocked the orifice.

          The nozzle and pressurized cleaner blew it out.

          Remember, it takes VERY little dirt to disturb your carbs.
          Bertrand Russell: 'Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.'


            Originally posted by Cracker
            Glad I asked and even more glad that you answered! 8O
            No problem! Oh, and good luck! 8)

