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Clutch Basket Warning Sounds?

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    Clutch Basket Warning Sounds?

    My GS1100 is making sounds from the bottom end area not unlike the sounds that come from a 4WD truck in low range. The sounds don't seem to change with RPM or what gear I'm in. Anytime I upshift it makes that high pitched "whirring" noise when the clutch engages. My guess would be clutch basket. Anyone care to make my day and tell me that I'm probably correct? Thank You! Kelly

    Not sure but I think my '82 1100 made more of a knocking or clunking noise. It failed with less than 15,000 easy miles on it. It's easy enough to check to be certain.


      Also, please let us know what the problem turns out to be.


        In the center of the clutch basket there is a "steel center" pressed into the otherwise aluminum alloy clutch basket.

        This "steel center" can come loose and the clutch basket makes noise like:

        If the engine is at idle speed and in neutral, the clutch not engaged, there is a noise.

        If the clutch is engaged it's silent.

        That is because the clutch basket rivets hits the part behind due to the loose "steel center", if you engage the clutch the basket centers up, and the rivets does no longer hit anything.


          I've never done a cycle clutch, but

          Once I put a throw out bearing in backwards and it acted the same way. Sounds like something is wrong with your clutch. If you dont tear it down and see whats loose or improperly installed you'll probably damage something even further.


            My clutch seems to be making the aforementioned noises with it in Neutral at idle (not holding the clutch). Is this the kind of thing where as long as I don't drag race the thing I won't have to worry about blowing it up. or more like something I shoud try and fix now? I would like to try and fix it myself if possible. Is the operation very difficult, do you need any special tools or is it a straightforward type repair job? I've never attempted any type of repair on a clutch before but if it's possible I'd like to get it fixed myself. What do you guys think, can I fix it?


              Good question, Mookie. I have the same symptoms and would be interested in the answers to your questions, also.



                MIne does nearly the same thing, it doesn't show up until after a long ride though. After a long ride I get the knocking sound on the low end and I get the high pitched whiring noise which kinda spreads to as far as 3rd gear. Again, only after a long (atleast 30 minutes at 75mph)

                1982 GS750T


                  If your problem is the rivets coming loose on the clutch basket, I would suggest sending it to Falicon. They'll replace the weak rivets and springs with heavy duty ones and also add a thick steel backing plate. You'll never have a problem like this again.


                    Originally posted by kz
                    In the center of the clutch basket there is a "steel center" pressed into the otherwise aluminum alloy clutch basket.

                    This "steel center" can come loose and the clutch basket makes noise like:

                    KZ i believe that only he 1150 models have the steel center in the inner clutch basket


                      clutch springs


                      You recommend having heavy duty clutch springs put in the clutch. Do you find the clutch action is much heavier with stiffer springs?



                        Re: clutch springs

                        Originally posted by patrikobrien

                        You recommend having heavy duty clutch springs put in the clutch. Do you find the clutch action is much heavier with stiffer springs?

                        I have been using heavy duty clutch springs for over a year and even with a lame left hand i dont see much diference from the original clutch springs.


                          clutch springs

                          Hi Scotty

                          That is good to hear. I seemed to recall an earlier discussion where some folks were saying the clutch was tough to activate with heavy duty springs.



                            The clutch springs I mentioned are those in the backing plate. The O.E. backing plate springs are weak and may be the reason the rivets tend to loosen. If you're referring to the pressure plate springs, which I think you are. I've used the heavy duty Barnett springs in both a GS1100E and GS750ES and found the clutch lever pressure to be only slightly harder than stock. Not enough to bother me and I assure you I'm no Arnold Schwarzenegger.


                              clutch springs


                              I' busted. I did not know that there were two sets of springs involved. I have only recently given the clutch much thought and have not yet read up on it. I definitely have more to learn on this.

                              Thanks for the clarification. I so appreciate it.


