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Dismantle/Reassemble gauges

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    Dismantle/Reassemble gauges

    The RPM's gauge on my instrument panel started to make a grotesque buzzing sound, and it seems like the cable is slipping inside. Just to get home, I thought that I would disconnect it, but discovered that the bike won't start without that cable connected. Anyway, with that thing rattling around it has caused the needle to fall off! Can I take apart the panel to reconnect the needle? Anything I need to be wary of while dismantling the panel?

    This article may be of service to you:


      if it's like my '81 GS850G, the tack and speedo can be taken apart pretty easily. There's a black ring around the front of the instruments that has rolled edges on both sides- securely holding the orange plastic cylindrical body to the clear plastic face. Just last weekend I took a flat screwdriver and pried up one rolled side all the way around the ring and the three pieces (clear face, black metal ring, and orange body) just fell apart. Remember to take the two screwes off the back first, though.

      Don't know why the bike won't start without a tach cable connected... my bike didn't even come with a tach cable and I rode it for, like, 1000 miles before I put one in...


        if it's like my '81 GS850G, the tack and speedo can be taken apart pretty easily. There's a black ring around the front of the instruments that has rolled edges on both sides- securely holding the orange plastic cylindrical body to the clear plastic face. Just last weekend I took a flat screwdriver and pried up one rolled side all the way around the ring and the three pieces (clear face, black metal ring, and orange body) just fell apart. Remember to take the two screwes off the back first, though.

        Don't know why the bike won't start without a tach cable connected... my bike didn't even come with a tach cable and I rode it for, like, 1000 miles before I put one in...

