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Oil substance in the airbox

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    Oil substance in the airbox

    As my bike continues to give me problems, I wonder if they are all related somehow. I will give a quick history of the problems and I appreciate all the help Ive gotten so far. This site and the people who post are awesome!

    The bike is a 78 GS1K. First I had a problem with raw fuel leaking into the pipes and the motor running rich. I replaced the points and condensers and viola, the problem went away. Upon hooking up the battery (after a full charging) and riding the bike some, I developed a charging problem and now the battery wont hold a charge. I am working on the electrical part of that now-following the stator papers

    When I was going through the bike, I noticed that the airbox breather vent was kinked between the neg batt. cable and the frame. I "unkinked" the hose and a ton of liquid began to "drip" out. It is oil I presume. Upon some research I been told that a little is supposed to collect in the airbox and that it is the little bit of oil that passes the rings. The problem I have is that I have noticed that the drip seems to be rather substantial and leaves stains under the bike whenever it is parked. Is this normal? After reading about 100 posts on here, I am wondering if these problems could be somehow related.......Any ideas?

    Have you checked the air filter? It is made from foam that uses oil to help the filtration. If the oil is not squeezed out thoroughly enough it will drip down and collect on the bottom of the airbox and drip out that drain hose - especially when parked on the side stand. I think that's a bigger source of oil in the airbox than the crankcase vent.

    I'd pop out the filter and make sure it's oiled enough, but not too much, and clean out the bottom of the airbox. Then see if you still get a lot of oil draining out the hose.


      Thanks Paul,

      I will definately do that! I believe my air filter is a paper type and is completely dry. I know I have never oiled it, is it something that I should oil? Again it is made of a paper type material and I dont know how it would hold up to oil.....


        Paper filter's are dry, no oil.

