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Installing Fork Seals
Installing Fork Seals
I am going to install another fork seal to replace the new seal that I ruined on a previous installation. Before I get started, I thought I would querry the group for any suggestions on installing these buggars without damaging them.
Thanks.Tags: None
The manual says to use your old seals on top of your new ones and tap them in. I've always had to pound fairly hard, I use a piece of wood to cushion the blow between the hammer and the seal and its worked O.K., no problems as long as you keep the seal even. Others say you shouldn't have to pound hardly at all, but I've never figured that out.
Check other posts on this subject, there is a lot of information.
I just did this a few days ago, I used a peice of PVC pipe longer the inner fork tube extended out of the outer tube. One thing I find most helpfull is to put a little dab of high temp greese on the surface that the seal seats into before putting the seal in, this help it slide right in.
Thanks for the comments folks. I ended up buying a large washer that fit over the seal but inside the fork. Then I wrapped it in duct tape (the handyman's secret weapon; it's a temporary fix, unless of course it works), and then using a razor blade I cut of the excess around the outside. I figured this would cushion the washer against the seal. Then I used a 30 or 32 mm impact socket to "tap" it in (it may have been a little more aggressive than tapping). It went in fine this time.
The last time, I just used the socket and I kind of ripped up the top of the new seal. It kept popping in and out, so I got a little to forceful then.
Thanks again. Onward and upward.
P.S. UTgws: Boomer Sooner! 8O