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    Not that I plan on putting Larry away anytime soon but I had a question I wanted to ask.

    I know how to prepare the fuel system and engine and just about everything else... but what about the tires. I know that when a bike sits unused the tires will "rot." Could I take some of that silicone spray stuff used for shining the tires of cars and give the sidewalls a light coat to protect them?

    I know it's not a good idea to spray that stuff on motorcycle tires because it can screw with those all important tread properties, but what about a light spray before storage to act as a protectant?

    If no that, what can I use to protect my tires over the winter?

    I don't think I would put anything on the tires (if there is an oil based substance in there it could actually accelerate the rot) I have always just lowered the pressure to about 20psi to reduce stress, put the bike on its centerstand with wood blocks under the tires so they are off the concrete. Sunlight will damage the tires to so if the bike is stored in an exposed area you should cover it with somthing breathable (old sheets etc..) I have never had any problems with the above method.


      I keep my bike in a storage facility (live in apt., no garage) so sunlight's not an issue unless I'm riding.

      Lowering the pressure and keeping the tires off the concrete makes sense to me though. Thanks you.


        Ozone or UV cause tires to deteriorate, or so I've heard. I don't think you can do much about ambient ozone. Block up the bike and lower the PSI, keep it dark (cover to protect from dust, too). The only tire manufacturer that I saw address tire dressings said don't.

