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Squeek from under stator case!

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    Squeek from under stator case!

    I replaced the gasket for the stator case to fix a oil leak on my 81 750. Now there is a squeek of something rubbing from inside. I did not remove the stator from the cover. When it came apart a thrust washer/ spacer came out that I thought was on the outside of the starter intermediate gear. (between the gear and the cover) Maybe the spacer should have been between the gear and the case? Any ideas?


    Dod you squirt oil on the parts as you assembeled them? That area is lubricated through a hole in the cases. Possibly you didnt run the engine long enough to give it a chance to splash lubricate. I did the same thing on my 1100 and if i remember cprrectly, the spacer went on the shaft to protect the aluminum cover but i am not sure.


      I shut it down quickly, for fear of damaging anything. I'll let it run for a while when I get home.


        there should be a washer on each side of the starter gear: one on the cover side and one on the engine side, it's tricky to get the engine side one on, it always falls before you can get the starter gear shaft through it, it always causes me some hair pulling, maybe take off the stator cover and make sure you have both washers in place.


          Thanks, maybe it stuck to the back of the magnet! :?


            Hopefully your squeek has already gone. If not, read on:

            In the process of replacing the gasket you obviously had to remove the stator cover, and almost certainly pulled on the wiring one or more times in doing it.

            There is a small L-shaped metal tab inside the cover that is there to keep the wire sheath in place, and protect it from the spinning rotor. It is held by a single bolt and if it moved even a little bit, it will touch the rotor and cause a squeel/squeek.

            This is a simple fix, but you have to pull the cover again to do it. The gasket is freshly applied, so it should come off without damage. Remove the cover carefully, remove the bolt, bend the tab to where it should be, replace and tighten the bolt securely (use BLUE Loctite) , and replace the cover.
            Bertrand Russell: 'Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.'


              That was it, I pulled it apart again this morning and the wire hold down clamp had small groove cut in it and the outer edge of the magnet housing was polished. I bent the bracket a little, and bolted it back in and now it is fine!
              Thank You.

