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Carb problems with 83' 450L - Suggestions please

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    Carb problems with 83' 450L - Suggestions please

    A little over a week ago we got alot of rain one day here in PA. Needless to say i missed the weather report and rode to work on a beautiful morning and had to come home in what seemed like a typhoon.

    The bike sat until today. I had to clean some rust off my exhaust that came through the paint i just put on about 2 months ago. While cleaning the exhaust with 0000 Steel wool, all the paint came right off. I pulled the exhaust and put another one on (My brother had a spare exhaust that would work) for the mean time.

    I needed gas so i went out to the gas station to check out how the new exhaust sounded and the bike barely started. When i got it running i took it to the gas station and got in line. A few minutes later i filled up and had a very hard time getting it started again. When i got it running i went home, When it was running it was breaking up very bad. I let the bike cool and pulled the plugs, (As if you were sitting on the bike) the plug on the right was fine. The plug on the left was soaked in gas, as was the cylinder.

    I noticed that the bike was dripping gas. After checking it out i found that it was coming from the bowl. I pulled the bowl off and cleaned it. Pulled the float and cleaned it. Pulled the fuel needle valve and seat, cleaned those.

    After inspecting the fuel valve it looked worn. Is this common? It looks like im going to have to order a new vavle and seat unless anyone has any ideas as to what may be wrong if my diagnosis is incorrect.

    Also, when holding the float up while the petcock is in the run position im getting a leak from the valve. This is why i think its the valve allowing the bowl to overflow. If i put the petcock in the reserve position i get no leak, even with the valve out of the carb, so the petcock and vacume must be working in the reserve position. Prime should always run until the bown fills correct? With the float held up while in prime im still getting a leak.

    By the way, this was all done with the carb still on the bike.

    Can i rebuild the petcock so that i dont have to put the bike on reserve when parked or do i need to get a whole new petcock?

    Any suggestions on where i should order replacement parts from or have another idea as to what my problem is?


    I am pretty sure your carb/petcock setup is pretty similar to mine and through a little experience I can tell you 2 things...

    1) the petcock should not allow gas through it in the run position without vaccuum applied to it. This can cause gas in the oil and a real rich starting problem.

    2) if the carb bowls are spewing fuel from the vents the float(s) are likely the problem. Mine had small cracks that was allowing gas to weigh it down. They could possibly also be set poorly. I suppose the float needle could also be at fault... I haven't personally experienced those other 2 so I can't really comment.

    You might be hard pressed to find a rebuild kit for your petcock, but after trying to retrofit another one (unsuccessfully) from a 550GS, the parts place I got the used one at was able to put the innards of the new/used one into my stock one. Worked like a charm.

    One thing to remember an old petcock should be soaked in gas if left dry for an extended period to soften the rubber. The parts yard I used to go to was VERY helpful in many matters. Its wonderful when you find one like that


      Originally posted by bgmart450

      2) if the carb bowls are spewing fuel from the vents the float(s) are likely the problem. Mine had small cracks that was allowing gas to weigh it down. They could possibly also be set poorly. I suppose the float needle could also be at fault... I haven't personally experienced those other 2 so I can't really comment.
      I didnt even look at the floats close. Ill do that and make sure that there are no cracks allowing them to fill with gas.

      I dont think this is the problem as when i held the floats up with my hand i was still getting a leak. Although this may not be the problem right now, if there are cracks it would definately be a problem after i get this one fixed.

      Thanks alot for the info on the floats, i would have never thought to check them for cracks.


        After more inspection today i realized that the needle vavle wasnt the problem. The gasket around the seat wasnt sealing, causing a leak.

        I pulled the carbs and it was a nightmare. Completely gooked up and in need of a few parts. I need to get over to the suzuki dealer on tuesday when they open and order a few things

        One - #47 (Stripped out screw) - Damaged Part
        One - #30 (Washer under Jet) - Missing Part
        One - #35 (Stripped out screw) - Damaged Part
        Two - #45 (O-Ring) - Went Bad
        Two - #28 (plug) - Missing Part

        I checked the floats and found no cracks. thanks for the tip


          Goodness! I suppose there are people out there who should NEVER try and rebuild carbs, eh?

          Bet it'll run a bunch better when it has all the parts.



            The dealer had everything except for the washer i needed. It came in yesterday and finally got the carbs together today. First try was no good, one cylindar wasnt getting fuel. Pulled the carbs again and found a little dirt in one of the jets. I cleaned out the jets and mounted the carbs. Bike fired right up and runs better than ever. I cant wait to get out tomarrow and run the full tank of gas dry to check my gas milage

