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Turn signals---- about to drive me nuts!
Turn signals---- about to drive me nuts!
The signals turn on but don't blink. This is after I removed the huge farring and saddle bags off of my gs850 (1979). Any suggestions. They use to blink.Tags: None
focus frenzy
do you have turnsignals on the front now?
what size bulbs do they have in them if you do have lights on front?
the flasher relay module used by Suzuki on these bikes is very VERY sensitive to the wattage of the bulbs and if it is not just right they wont blink.
Check to see that all bulbs are OK. Some systems don't work if one bulb is burned out. Course if neither side blinks then it would be two bad bulbs.
These system have a flasher that is sensitive to voltage, amperage and resistance in the system. If you've got a bad connection somewhere that could do it.
My signals started to misbehave so I checked and the flasher had two connections. I wnet to the discount auto parts store and bought an electronic flasher and it works with almost any variation reguardless of the charge present. Use them in all my vehicles now.
When removing the fariring and saddlebags you may have disconnected your raound for the signals. Check to see that you've got a complete circuit.
Hot Dog! I'm Back on my BikeThat was it the flasher relay module was not pulling enough wattage for it to flash. FIXED THANK YOU