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GS850 Cylinder head: Stuck Bucket

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    GS850 Cylinder head: Stuck Bucket

    I have the top end torn down, everything went well except for one broken exhaust bolt, and one valve adjusting bucket that resists movement. I can slowly move it, with much effort, but I cannot get it to come up at all. the other 7 slid right out no problem.

    Ive drilled the broken bolt and am going to buy the correct drill and tap tomorrow to finish that off, but is there a good method for removing the dreaded stuck bucket without damaging anything?

    I presume I should be able to clean up the parts and relieve the sticking, once its apart.


    So how does your wife feel about you puttung the head in her oven upside down, heat to about 250 and serve when it falls out??? 8O


      heh. luckily for me Ive not got a wife, so the oven is available. hadn't thought of that method, but Ill give her a go tonight.

      only two questions- should I marinate it in anything?

      and what type of wine goes with baked aluminum?


        worked like a champ! about 20 minutes in the oven at 250 did it. bucket fell right out. now all I have left before reassembly is to clean the gasket surfaces. thanks !

