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Idle problems after carb cleaning and synching -

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    Idle problems after carb cleaning and synching -

    Thanks for the help! Got the carbs back together, on the bike. Started on first try, no choke. Synch'd them. Now the problem is this - I adjusted my idle to 1000rpms, no problem. Rode the bike, and once it was running hot, the idle was at 2700rpms. Readjusted it to 1000rpms while bike was warm. Let bike cool, started it agian. 1000rpms, no choke! Rode it, when warm agian, it was back up to 2500rpms with no adjustment to bike from first time it was running high after warming up. Bike starts with no choke, goes to 1000rpms, but is running ratty at low rpms. (under 3000) especially starting from a dead stop. Get up over 10 - 15 mph and over 3000rpm and all is right with the world agian.

    Any ideas?

    2 things I can think of are the pilot jets..are they screwed in all the way? watch them, as they can (I know from experience) back out and makes bike run real wierd untill tehy come out completely and flood out the engine. 2., check for throttle bind, both at the carbs and at the may be suprised to find you misrouted or misadjusted the cable. Just a thought, good luck with it.


      Hi: I went through my share of problems setting up my 650 and every time I get it back from the dealer they mess up my carbs. If you can start it with out choke your idle screws are turned in. The bike will start fine and as it warms up the idle goes way up. It may take 10-20 minutes for a complete warm up. Sound familiar so far?

      Since the idle goes way up you'll have to adjust it after a good 20 minute run. It sound like you know where the idle adjusting wheel is. Problem is the carbs then run a little 'dry' with and not enough gas getting through the idle circuit the bike runs like crap until your past 3500 rpm.

      To solve this problem I turned out my idle screws just a bit, let the bike really warm up and then adjust the idle. It's hit and miss at best. With more gas running through the idle curcuit the bike could be harder to start. (overloads the starter curcuit)

      Keep an eye on the plugs, I got mine set up to what I thought was perfect and the plugs were white and burnt!. I adjusted the idle screw out (not by much) and got black soot.

      You could also raise the main jets to have the mains come on sooner but I have no experience with that. I was on a web site for carb tuning (on a harley however) a few months back and it was excellent on information to set up every jet in your carb. I'll go looking again to see if I can find it and if so I'll post again.



        Hi Again:

        I went looking and the web site is

        You'll find it very helpful look in the tech section for CV carbs

        good luck and let us know what you've done


