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Synthetic oil

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    Synthetic oil

    I was thinking when the last time I changed the oil in my scoot and can't remember when that was. My question is do any of you use synthetic oil in your bike and which seems to work the best? Also is worth the extra money?

    Do a search. This topic has been covered many times before.


      Originally posted by propflux01
      Do a search. This topic has been covered many times before.
      Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.


        I'll give you my opinion for what its worth. Synthetic oil is great, its all I use in my cars motorcyles etc. Is it worth 3 times the money? Uhh.........I doubt it.


          Thanks mark. That is kinda what I figured. And propflux01 I did do a search before I posted but appearently I am moron and did it wrong. I went back and searched again and found what I was looking for. Sorry to take up your time.


            Never be sorry to take up our time, that is what we are here for. I was just trying to save us from re-writing stuff that has been posted many times before, whilst the info has not changed. You will find a wealth of info here, and planty eager to help you.


              propflux01 let me apologize for my unecessary comment. I did not mean to put it that way. Between crazy stuff going on at the house and being in the middle of a full blown want to drill a hole my head migrain I may have come off as being unappreciative of everyones help. That is not the case. Thanks again for everyones help. Gary


                No offense taken. I think you will find this forum much different than many others you have prolly visited. WE like to think of ourselves as more of a family. Stick around and see. Register for the off-topic forum, too. I think you will enjoy!

