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Stuck Idle Mixture Screws
Stuck Idle Mixture Screws
Installed a Dynojet kit and lo' and behold the idle mixture screws are as stuck as they can be.Ticked off ain't the word that's close to how I feel. Got some penetrant and and it loosened #3 and got it adjusted. The others are screwing down a bit and then they get totally stuck or up a bit and then stuck. I've got a big pain in the arse going on here. Maybe the seal inside is shot? Has anyone used an extractor to get them out before? Plus if the seal is bad can I get one in there?
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Are you referring to the screws on top of the carbs on the engine side?
Mikuni actually glued those in from the factory. So maybe try a solvent like carb cleaner or Goo-Gone. Let it soak in but good.
I looked on line and found a shop that would extract those needles at over $200 each. 8O 8O So take your time with whatever you do.
I have the same problem with one of my carbs but luckily the binding is above the correct synchronization zone. I know how you feel.
You can get new O rings for those needles here http://cycleorings.com/
Thanks. I've been wondering if it's some sealant or something. Got some black goop of some kind out of one of the openings. Yeah I'm doing the right ones too. I thought that I was losing it after awhile but at least now I know I'm not fighting a losing battle.If it comes down to extracting them I have all the tools to do it so it'll just be up to getting the new mixture screws. Thanks again for putting my mind at ease.
Pete's GS
I doubt anything's gong to work since I even tried PB Blaster to no avail. But Goo Gone's great stuff. Maybe you could try Goof Off, which can actually remove latex paint. Good luck. It may not matter that much anyway, though I did have mine freed up for $150 or so at motorcyclecarbs.com. Bike runs great (it's stock except for 4-into-header and meg) and doesn't even need choke to start!
I went through the same frustration. They do seem to be glued in place. I used Aero-Kroil and several other similar substances. I even broke the tip of a screwdriver.
The best technique I have found was to heat the carburator area around the jet. I use a butane torch. It has worked every time for me. I also clamp the carb in a vise to help make sure I have a good fit for the screw driver. The heat seems to loosen the glue and probably changes the metal some. I didn't come up with the heat idea on my own. It was recommended by someone on this forum.