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Yamaha Virago 920 (not a GS, but need help!)

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    Yamaha Virago 920 (not a GS, but need help!)

    a friend of mine is selling his 1982 Virago 920, and it developed a weird problem when the guy came to get it.

    It starts just fine, and runs great in neutral. Pull in the clutch, and the second you hit first (or any other gear) it starts running like crap. Missing all over the place, the lights are brightening and dimming, the tach and instrument panel goes nuts (its got the digi-analog dash). The rear wheel spins about 2 revolutions when you first kick it into gear, and nothing after that (on center stand) so I don't think its an issue with a dragging clutch. When you let out the clutch, it continues running like crap. You can't rev it up, and you can't even keep it running with the throttle. It feels like an electrical-ignition problem to me, but by all logic, I can't figure out whats wrong.

    Thanks for any replies 8)

    does it have a side stand switch that would normaly kill the bike if it is put in gear with the side stand down?
    could have a short in the switch.


      Or if it has a gear indicator it could be shorting to earth?
      Dont know if the 920 has one, have not seen one for years!


        there usually is a switch in the clutch lever too- but if it starts and runs ok and doesnt act funny when you first pull the clutch but before you attempt to put it in geart perhaps there is also a neutral safety switch built into the trans . it is not an enginre problem but more obviously an electrical short.
        Get the shop book and see what is in or out of the circuit when you put the bike in gear.

        do you have a shop book for the bike????


          The gear indicator was what I was thinking of too, but logically it still doesn't make a lot of sense

          we don't have a manual yet, but I think he's gonna pick one up today


            Shop mnual???????


              I'd hook up a voltmeter to the battery and see what happens when you drop it in then out of gear. Does the battery hold a charge?


                ok, back from looking at it for a long while. Got a shop manual for it, but its basically useless. Its even the factory manual

                I've ruled out the sidestand, because in neutral when you kick the stand down, the bike kills.

                Battery voltage maybe drops .2 volts when kicked in gear.

                Like I said, it will run all day in neutral, but the second you kick it in gear, it sputters and dies.


                  Can you start the bike in gear with the clutch in, or does it need to be in neutral to start?


                    Disconect the gear indicator, then try, it's only a plug!


                      Originally posted by gspaul
                      Disconect the gear indicator, then try, it's only a plug!
                      any idea where its at? It doesn't say in the manual, and everything we try unplugging causes the bike to not run


                        No fraid not, if you cant see a cable comeing out of the gear change area you may have to remove a cover from the motor to see where it's going.
                        Or work backwards from the instrument console, it's unlikely that it would go all the way to the console from the gear change.
                        So it must plug in either under the tank or I would bet behind the sidecover/under the seat area. Good luck!

