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    Hello. I finally got the nads to synch my carbs on my 850. I researched all I could from here and had my manual nearby. Went smoothly. They must not have been too far out. I have 2 questions: is there supposed to be some kind of nail polish applied to the adjustment screw under the top cap of the carbs? There seemed to be something there to keep it from loosening, I guess (locknut not sufficient?), also my exhaust is still a little fumey. I wanted to get my mpg up into the 40's and to minimize the fumes. Are the fumes something I'll just have to live with? Maybe the exhaust could be better, I haven'y ridden very far since the synch.

    Appreciate all of the great info I picked from here. This is one excellent website.

    Rick R.

    I would check the compression , the air filter and the choke rods.

    If you have low compression you know the deal. Smelly bike and not good mileage.

    Dirty airfilter is most likely. The air filters are not cheap but do wonders for performance and gas mileage

    Make sure the choke rods are adjusted. If the choke on one or all carbs is on all the time then you will run rich. Make sure the choke is closed all the way on all four when the choke lever is off.
    1981 GS650G , all the bike you need
    1980 GS1000G Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely


      Thanks Duaneage. I have a K & N filter that fits the original airbox. I know I didn't over oil it.

      I will check the choke. Could be when I reassembled them back in the spring, I didn't get one on right.

      I have yet to do a compression test. Can do that too. Seems that is one of the first things asked for.

      Overall, the bike runs real well. Pulls good. Starts great. Idles fine ect...... Just a bit on the fumey side.

      Thanks again.



        the stuff on the adjustment screw is either loc-tite to keep the setting or the dealer will put paint on adjustment screws so if the bike comes back they will know if someone tampered with it.
        the fumes could be caused by the type of gas your getting, fuel additives, or your running a little rich.
        just ride really fast that way you cant smell the fumes


          I checked the choke linkage. They all seem to shut as far as allowable when the choke knob is all of the way down.

          Akter this tank of gas, I'll pull the plugs and attempt to read them. Then while I have them pulled I'll check compression.



            Rick, as noted above the stuff you mention is locktight. Be sure to clean it all off and I don't use any after that. It simply is not needed and only increases your risk of getting goop on your slides (yes it can happen, it happened to me).

            As for the choke plungers, if you look at the little forks that slide onto the plastic part you will see they are directional. There is a side that is rounder than the other. The fat pointy-er side goes down. Most important is that you get them all the same but it should point down. If any of these do not close completely all bets are off until you fix that.

            Once you have sorted that or just verified the choke thing and you know everything else is good, ie.. your sync job, your valve adjustment, compression, timing... then what is left if jetting. The fun stuff :?


              Originally posted by Hoomgar
              The fun stuff :?
              16 pages of fun, eh Hoomie?
              1981 GS650G , all the bike you need
              1980 GS1000G Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely


                Hello Hoomgar.

                Manheim, PA., small auto auction (!) and home of Jeff Smoker! I spent 5 years working at Ft. Indiantown Gap. Lived in Jonestown. Really liked the Manheim area. One summer, I helped a Landscaper. He had the contract on the pool there in Manheim. I only helped on that deal a couple of times though. Loved the area.

                I was wondering if this was a jet problem. The PO told me it needed re-jetted before I bought it. Claimed it didn't have enough nut to be a real tourer.... After seeing some of the other things he had done or had told me about, I figured he was talking out of his rear. When I rebuilt the carbs in the spring, I did notice that the needle valve was adjustable in the fact that they had 3-4 slots on the end for the clip. I thought I read in here somewhere that stock needle valves didn't have that, the clip only could go in one place. Is this correct? Could the PO have just installed a different needle valve or do they usually come with a jet set?

                I don't know how to verify that my synch job was good other than just doing it over. I have the valves in tollerance. Timing is as good as I can get it. Will look over the chokes one more time and will check compression.

                Appreciate it.


