1) What sort of solvent will remove the adhesive used for that slow air needle that's on the top of the carb, right next to the intake boot. I wouldn't think they are meant to come out but the PO has them pretty well mangled and who knows if they are set right. What's a good starting point for setting this needle, assuming I can get the old ones out?
2)On the outside two carbs is there supposed to be a plug for the fuel inlet? Mine were full of mud wasp mud. It doesn't look like there was a seal in there but it's hard to tell and doesn't make sense to leave a path for the fuel to flow out if one were to lay the bike down. What might I use for a plug if there should indeed be something there.
3)The number two butterfly return spring is much looser than the others. Number two has the longer butterfly shaft. The return spring doesn't close the butterfly. The way the linkage is set up, when the rack is together it closes but I'd like to get it right the first time I put this stuff back together.
4)I've been trying to figure out if this bike has the 7600 miles showing ot 107600 miles. The brake pedal and shift lever suggest 7600 and the main needle jet isn't wallowed out to an oval which I would expect wth that any miles. It's still perfectly round. Am I right to expect the thing to be worn enough to see if it had 107k miles?