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Surging at speed, little power when accelerating

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    Surging at speed, little power when accelerating

    Hello all,

    Had the bike ('78 GS750) going for a little while now, probably 400 or so miles of commuting to school and wherever else on it, saving myself an assload of money on gas (pardon the expression). Purchased it this spring, cleaned the carbs out, installed new clutch plates, and a kickstart shaft oil seal, and she's been running pretty good. I should have synched the carbs and all to get the idle perfect, but it was manageable, and I didn't want to mess with it as I had had enough frustration for a while and just wanted to ride. Well, this past weekend the gf and myself hopped on and rode out into the countryside, stopping here and there, tooling around all afternoon. 60 - 80 miles maybe...not quite sure. We're on our way back home, and almost there, when the bike starts surging and losing power. It will maintain whatever speed you want (but will "surge"....jerkiness....don't know how better to decribe it) and when you accelerate it does so under protest, and slowly. No strange noise accompanied this change, just started doing it out of nowhere. I've pulled the plugs, and although #4 was a little darker than the others it was by no means fouled. I cleaned it, put it back in, and there was no change. I thought maybe it would have fouled out from burning oil, as when you stop at an intersection you can see faint whisps of white smoke coming from the airbox, but the rest of the plugs are perfect, and #4 was not remotely bad enough to be fouling out.

    Any and all ideas as to what my be going on would be appreciated. I've been riding the bike to school, so I can afford to go, but now I've had to revert to driving the damn Jeep Grand Cherokee (14mpg....aaaaaaah!!) and am going to bleed myself dry if I can't get the GS back on the road. Thanks much,



    Almost forgot. For no reason other than the fact that I happened to be there I put about 2 gallons of gas from a Phillips 66 in the tank before we embarked (had probably half a tank in there, and it had been running fine on that). It was actually only about a 45 mile ride, and I would say it started doing this after about mile 43. Is it actually feasible that all I have is some bad gas? Made more likely by the fact that this happened after prices had skyrocketed due to the hurricane causing supply disruptions?

    Just a thought....thanks


      Hello rmpanzer23. My '79 gs850 did a very similar thing a few months ago. I had been out on a 100+ mile ride, all going fine when it suddenly lost power. It was all it could do to maintain 65mph. Anyway, after replacing the points/condensors, battery and rectifier it ran fine again. Not sure exactly which of those cured me. The rectifier tested bad. The battery wouldn't hold its charge very long and the points were just replaced because they are cheap. Could be that none of those are your problem. Do you have an in-line fule filter? I was told to take mine out. They cause more problems than they are worth. As far as it being bad gas, I think you would probably have noticed it sooner. I don't think you can get 40 miles on what was previously in the carb bowls.

      Sorry I couldn't be more help. Good luck.



        This happened to me a few weeks ago on my 79 GS550L. It started losing power and surging off and on until I could only hold 35 mph, and it would stall if I stopped without racing it. After pulling my hair out for 3 days, I found out that one of the condensers was bad and would quit after heating up for about 10 minutes. I found that out by feeling the exhaust pipes after it ran bad for 5 minutes. #2 & 3 pipes were alot cooler than #1 & 4. It was running on 2 cylinders. I swapped coils from side to side and it didn't change, but when I swapped condensers from side to side, #1 & 4 were cooler and 2 & 3 were hot. Changed the condensers and it drove great again. I now keep a spare condenser & points under the seat.




          I had a this happen to me a few weeks ago. Stopped to get gas and about 20 miles down the road it started to surge and loose power(83 GS1100E). Checked all sorts of things and found no problems till i noticed that my vacuam petcock was not quite in the on position (off by about a 1/4 between on and reserve) corrected it to on postion and problem solved. Don't know if this is your problem but this would have saved me hours of trouble shooting for such a simple fix.


            Sounds like points and condensor


            could be needles in the carb sticking open, flooding the #4 carb.

            Does gas run out of the overflow when the engine is shut off and the petcock is moved to PRI? a piece of dirt may have found it's way to a needle seat and is holding it open.

            Ask me how I know about this problem.

            You mighy try spraying carb cleaner down the fuel line after running the carbs dry and see if it frees up the needle.

            So try the P &C sets because they are cheap although the engine must be timed again (you DO have a timing light, right) but seeing how you don't have electronic ignition I would start there first
            1981 GS650G , all the bike you need
            1980 GS1000G Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely

