I took the sides off the airbox to check the airfilter, only to find water in the airbox. Upon closer inspection it would seem that the boots that fit around the carbeurator have actually started to slip off on two of the carbs (#1 and #2), and we just had a good rainfall last night explaning the water. Fortunatly I don't think any wayer got into the carbs.
The first carb is soo incredibly loose that there is a notable gap along side the boot for air to get in, additionally the gaskget that goes along top the air filter in the airbox has worn away allowing for more air to bypass the filter.
Is this likely to cause a too lean problem which would make the engine difficult to start in the cold?
One other thing is that inside the airbox looks a little bit dirty, a bit of grime on the walls of the airbox, but it doesn't look loose at all, I will post some pictures... is this good? Or can this cause problems? If required I will remove the airbox and pressure wash it before putting a new filter in there.
Removing the airbox does not look like it will be an easy task, so I am hoping to avoid that :S