Bike has good acceleration, but "studders" very slightly while accelerating. Plenty of power when throttle is rolled back, but when slightly reduced, very consistant "Piff, Paff, Poof", and other assorted backfiring coming from exhaust outlet in back. Very annoying.
#2, 3, and 4 plugs appear to be lean or hot from appearance, #1 plug not sooty, but seems a little rich. The 2 center pipes are now purple in color (which may or may not be normal). Seems something is hot somewhere.....Engine will not maintain constant idle speed, adjust to 1500, 20 seconds later, engine dies....adjust to 1600, idle speed rockets to 2200.... Sprayed boots between carbs and head, no increase in rpm noted, verifying no vacuum leaks.... SOOOOOO I guess my question is, does anyone recognize these symptoms? I did NOT check the float levels on the carbs, thinking they were not that critical...Could float level affect mixture and idle speeds? Put 85 miles on bike, thinking problem would work itself out, but no joy,,,,symptoms still present. Camshaft position in relation to TDC verified several times, and timing seems correct, with good cylinder compression. All plugs firing healthy blue spark......At dead end for now, don't want to damage engine, any help will be appreciated.....This too will pass
