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Ignitor Woes

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    Ignitor Woes

    Well the ignitor on my 81 Gs450L went out the other day, and I figured isnt wasn't a big deal cause I could just buy a new one. Well turned out a new one cost $375 which is more then I paid for the bike. I've been calling around some bike yards as well as keeping my eye on ebay for a used one, but Ive had no luck yet. Is there an ignitor off of a newer bike that works or an aftermarket companies that make one? Ive had a couple companies tell me that my options are only to find a used one, or buy a brand new one from suzuki, but one of my friends swore he read somewhere that you can make one off of a newer gsxr work, but I haven't been able been able to find anything in my search to back this up. Help Please! Its getting cold in Minnesota and my riding days are numbered for the year.



    I don't know about making on off of a GSXR work, but Ebay is usually a good source. You should get one for about $40.[/b]
    1981 GS 450L

    2007 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Custom

    The good we do no one remembers.
    The bad we do no one forgets.

    Mark 5:36 -- Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, "Don't be afraid; just believe".


      Depending on your ignitor ?? You may be able to repair it. SOme generic info


        I would check the rest of the ignition out carefully and do some testing on the ignitor before I spent any money. Do a search for "ignitor" and "ignition" here, you'll find tons of info.

