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splitfire sparkplug - is it ok for GS450L 1988 model?

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    splitfire sparkplug - is it ok for GS450L 1988 model?

    splitfire sparkplug - is it ok for GS450L 1988 model?
    will it kill the piston/block? because of too much power?

    2nd question
    is it ok to use a fuel powel booster, which make fuel particle smaller so it burn better... it claim can save 20% fuel consumption.

    Both products are snake oil. Spark will travel the path of least resistance, NEVER both paths. Fuel power booster? If it worked, every manufacturer would have installed them years ago, because CAFE ratings make even tenths of miles per gallon extremely valuable to a manufacturer.


      hohoho , then it might mean double loss for my stupidity, not asking before add those )

      the power booster also make my spark plug seem a bit black from before install those, which was a bit rusty color on plugs.

      which color is better? a slight black or a slight rusty color spark plug? after use i mean


        Typically, black would be a sign of running too rich. Tan (which I assume is what you're indicating with 'rusty') is a sign of reasonably correct fuel mixture.


          ah then, mean I must remove the fuel power booster, so it shall give correct combination back.


            Do you have a link to this 'fuel booster'? I'm a bit curious as to precisely what we're talking about. Also (and I mean no disrespect whatsoever by this) what is your primary language?


              Not that I am disagreeing with their lack of superior performance, I would like to take the time to note that spitfire plugs were not designed to fork the current passing from the electrode, in fact the product shows an image with only 1 fork actually completing a path.

              The reason they are supposed to be better is primarly because they do allow for a significantly larger volume of fuel between the prongs, and easier circulation of the fuel (though I can not say how much easier) since there is an opening at the base of the ground prong on the plugs. It really has nothing to do with the number of sparks created.

              While the theory behind the plugs is in the right place, I none the less do not believe that they would make a significant enough of a performace increase that your typical engine would even be able to benefit from it.


                It lasted 3 years on my car ...........
                no need to charge sparks each time change oil.
                and the plugs is still firing good after 3 years..

                Thats could be 1 advantage...... the extra advantage from that, I dont know.


                Power Booster, the one used in fuel line, to make the fuel particel smaller & burn better

