I ordered parts, namely gaskets and o-rings so I could put it back together once the full transmission was in place. Good thing was all the gaskets and o-rings were still available and could be ordered, and at a cost of only $48. Bad news, the oil pan gasket was on back order.
It's finally been released for shipment and as of today, I have everything that I ordered and now I'm ready to finish getting it put back together.
The reason for this post is that I've had some interest in this project from a couple members. So this is to act as a "heads-up" for you. I will be putting this engine back together and taking pictures. I've had requests for pictures of how hard it is to pull the engine, which I have already done, but I will post pictures of when I put it back in, and hopefully this will answer those questions.
Right now I have the new gear set in. I still need to swap out the shift forks and the shift drum. The hardest part so far has been the splitting of the cases. But a few taps with the dead-blow hammer and she popped loose, and from there it was just getting the crank to let go on the correct side and working it off.
So stay tuned, as I complete this, I'll try to document this.