I got the bike running very well, thanks in large part to all the people here who either gave me advice or from old threads that addressed similar issuses. I had something happen that I've never encountered before though: Friday afternoon I-70 ~75-80 mph W.O.T. heading up a nice little incline where it crosses a railroad track, bike loses all power and dies just like it ran out of gas. I'd just filled up so that wasn't the issuse. Coast to the side at the top of the over pass deadstick. (semis produce a lot of buffeting at 75mph when only 6 ft away 8O ). Crank and crank, no joy, sounds like its not getting gas? Turn it to prime for 15-20 seconds and it fires right up!
Did I suck the bowls dry running W.O.T. ? What can I do to prevent this? It ran fine the rest of the way home and had run great all day previously (see post about riding Boulder Canyon http://www.thegsresources.com/_forum...=408511#408511) Is this just because I'm pushing the absolute limits of what this little motor can do? Just hoping that there isn't any sort of problem. Sorry if this is long, but I wanted to set the stage. Any help is appreciated