I only have basic home tools, and after taking the petcock apart, I'd like your advice on purchasing a few new things (which I probably need to do a good job reinstalling). I also plan on tackling the tach cable seal next... and If I get real brave I might try doing the carbs in the next few months.
Do I need a pick? Or a set of something to remove little o-rings correctly? I used the sharp, pointy tip of a kitchen knife to remove the petcock o-ring. What do you all reccommend??
A parts cleaning solution?? I've seen you all write about a Berryman's product. I remember using some kind of solvent as a kid. What's safe on these alum. m/c parts? Are some fine to use with rubber parts still attached? Or should you always remove that stuff before using a cleaning agent? If I'm going to buy a big dipping can of carb cleaner some day anyway... Should I just get it now to use for cleaning all these different kinds of things??
Compressed air?? To blow the solvent out of small spaces, right?? What are my choices? I'm not going to use this much... only the 3 projects I mentioned above. I'm (hopefully) not going to be using this much and I'm not going to be blowing up kids toys or tires. So, what different things should I look at??
Thanks for the education
