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leaking carbs

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    leaking carbs

    Hi, My carbs were leaking gas so I dismantled them to check the floats and needle valve. I found nothing wrong, but did notice the fuel petcock was dripping in the straight on position. Would this cause the carbs to leak? Thanks Ted

    No it shouldn't If you have the BS vacuum carbs it is mandatory to replace the O ring on the float seat assembly. It can leak giving yo uthe same condition as the floats being stuck open


      do you mean that the fuel was leaking through the fuel line into the carbs... or leaking outside the petcock ?



        One float needle valve was a sloppy fit in the bore. I put on a new "0" ring that I found at work that was about the right size and the fit is tighter. That looks like the candidate for the leakage and I also changed the other 3 "o" rings. By the way, is it a standard size "o" ring that I can purchase at the industrial supply house or a special item from Suzuki. Does anyone have the part number for it. Thanks Ted

