Now, you might ask: ?why not just get an 1100G?? Well, the old timer in me MUST have a kick starter and the 79 850 was the only Suzuki shaft drive I?m aware of with this feature. I?ve used the kick starter on many sub zero mornings and simply won?t do without one.
There are, naturally, questions?
Is the 16 valve head worth it? Have you guys experienced actual efficiency comparisons??
What about engine durability. Do the 16 valvers experience rocker bushing and/or valve guide wear? I KNOW the 8 valve head is bulletproof, with the buckets shielding the guides from thrust loading, but the adjustable tappets might be ?nice? ??? or??? Looking for opinions.
Converting an 850 to a 1000/1100???? Would the crank fit? Can I assume cylinder spacing is OK, since camshafts interchange? ????
Gearing is another issue?The bigger engine would require taller gearing than the 850, for my tastes. I?d always assumed the ?taller? bevel gears from a 1000G would interchange, but a thread on this site indicated they?re not interchangeable. That same thread did indicate there is a taller ratio final drive? ????
My old 100k 79 850 is due for a resurrection and I?d greatly appreciate ANY opinions, sanity checks, ideas, tech info?
BTW just found this site. It sure is great to see the GS?s thriving.
