I got a good deal including a boat load of spare parts the previous owner had collected over the years, including a complete extra engine. Drove it home (about 50 miles mixed roads) and it ran great save for the dead battery. Previous owner was a automotive mechanic and seemingly took very good care of the bike. However, after it sitting for 3 days while I purchased another battery it is not running right at all. The first start after sitting there was some white smoke and a little black smoke when I gave it some throttle. It was also running on only 3 cylinders and popping/caughing a lot. I pulled the plugs and found that they are all nice and sooty black, all dry with the exception of #3 as shown below (4,3,2,1 left to right). The plugs are a mixture of the standard temp NGKs and DENSOs.

Close up of #3

Now I have little experience with carbs but I would say in general its running rich but I don't know whats going on with #3. The previous owner said that he did rejet w/ the pods but he did not recal what he did, only that he went to big on the main jets and it was running a little rich. He also said he last adjusted the valve clearence about 20-25k miles ago. I dont really know where to start. I cleaned the plugs, checked the spark, all cylinders were fine from what I could tell but it still fouled #3 on startup. I have ordered new plugs, any suggestions on what this might be. Thanks in advance.