I purchased a 1980 GS1000G a month back and it drove only acceptable.
Very slow from the start and mid-range and good above 6000 rpm.
Since the air filter box was filled with little black foam pieces and the air filter
did not fit tight as well as the rubber boots I thought it sucks air on the side and the carbs are stuffed with foam pieces.
To remedy "it all" i bought 4 pod uni foam filters 54 mm, a K&N jet kit and a V&H 4-in-1 Megaphone.
I took the carbs apart and they did not look bad inside. Cleaned the pilots
which are 47.5 I think and replaced the main jets with 175's from the jet kit.
The instructions said to also insert some pin air jets on the intake side of the carbs (outer ring) which I did. Oiled and installed the foam pods and put on the 4-in-1.
Now I have acceptable start and midrange but no power after 5500 rpm.
Basically the GS feels like a V-twin now. Two observation I made during my repairs.
1. The diaphragms are intact (no holes) but pretty hardened out.
2. When "reving" the engine from idle the resonse is not exactly quick and
especially on the downslide when letting go of the throttle it takes many seconds to get back to idle.
I'm kind of lost here - I thought it sounds like fuel starvation but with the
biggest main jet supplied I find it hard to believe.
Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks.
Oh, I forgot to mention I also replaced the spark plugs with new iridium plugs.