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header w/stock airbox or K&N filter w/stock exhaust?

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    header w/stock airbox or K&N filter w/stock exhaust?

    Allright, sold the 550 and was gs "homesick" so I had to snatch up a very sweet 83 750E a couple of weeks ago to fill the void.
    Got a plane ticket and rode the beast all the way from Philly to Columbus, OH in one day. Man what a blast! Soooooooo different from the 550 in performance and agility.

    Anyhow, I can't go a winter without doing at least something to my bikes, so I'm curious about the following.

    First let me say this.... I DO NOT want to re-jet and/or add pods to my bike. This bike has CV carbs.

    So here's the question: what will give a better performance gain, without having to rejet:

    4-into-1 header with the stock air filter,

    or... K&N filter with stock exhaust?

    I've heard that you can use a 4-into-1 on a bike with CV carbs and not have to re-jet if you use the stock air filter, and there will be a noticeable increase in power.

    But as this bike is completely stock, I'd kind of like to keep the stock exhaust and just use a K&N filter if it will give me the same kind of performance gain.

    So tell me what you think. I appreciate the suggestions.


    With correct mixtures, the 4-1 pipe with stock filter would give the better performance. But you don't want to re-jet.
    Generally, the pipe, if it's a quality pipe that really flows better, WILL require a jetting change simply because it flows better. In my experience, at least one full size up (5) on the mains will be needed, maybe larger. An additional 1/2 turn out on the mixture screws usually is needed too. Jet needle circuit will run leaner but there's no simple/external adjustment in your case. You spend the most time riding on the jet needle. All in all, the pipe with a stock filter is going to run lean. I don't suggest trying to get away with it either, though many run lean anyway.
    The K&N filter only will not be as large a change as the pipe but will still lean out the mixture. Enough to cause you to re-jet? Only plug/performance tests can tell you that.
    Your model already comes a tad lean from the factory and the K&N filter will lean it out some more. So be aware.
    If you're really concerned about it, just use a stock filter and exhaust.
    And on the seventh day,after resting from all that he had done,God went for a ride on his GS!
    Upon seeing that it was good, he went out again on his ZX14! But just a little bit faster!


      Thanks Keith. Sounds like I'm better off just leaving well enough alone.
      Maybe I'll focus my efforts on suspension upgrades and be satisfied with the power this bike already has.


        You're welcome. That old line about a quality pipe increasing performance without a re-jet is partly true but not want you want to do to the bike long term.
        In some cases performance will increase, but that's because you just leaned out the mixture. More air in the mix equals more power. So you do gain some power but to say a re-jet isn't needed is BS. They want to sell you the pipe and know the word re-jet may scare you off.
        The makers wouldn't install a freer flowing pipe on their own bike without a re-jet. You can count on that.
        And on the seventh day,after resting from all that he had done,God went for a ride on his GS!
        Upon seeing that it was good, he went out again on his ZX14! But just a little bit faster!


          Get some progressive fork springs, some braided brake lines, maybe a fork brace, general maintainence, cleaning/polishing- you can stay busy this winter without a new pipe or filter!
          Currently bikeless
          '81 GS 1100EX - "Peace, by superior fire power."
          '06 FZ1000 - "What we are dealing with here, is a COMPLETE lack of respect for the law."

          I ride, therefore I am.... constantly buying new tires.

          "Tell me what kind of an accident you are going to have, and I will tell you which helmet to wear." - Harry Hurt


            more power

            Want more power adjust the valves, put a set of plugs in it and if the cam chain is rattling pull the tensioner and rebuild it, as well as a new stock filter, want to spend money then redo all the wheel breaings 23 year old grease is not the best lube for a bearing, repack the the head bearings if there ok and the swing arm, you can make it go fast but that wont mean much if it wont get you there, do it up repalce rubber things like fuel and vacuum lines if needed, go over the wire harness and clean things up and add a ground to the rec/reg from the battery and last but not least polish that baby up she deserves it after all these years

