I have a couple different sets of feeler gauges and noticed different numbers, on one of them what showed as .03mm didn't show .001in but .025in, this is what got me on this whole ordeal. Not being a metric genius I looked it up and .003mm is in fact .0254in and to get the conversion from metric to inches you take the mm and divide by 25.4 or take the inches and multiply by 25.4mm or take mm X.03937, this changes the specs to a more accurate reading.
in reality .001in=.0254mm NOT.03 and .003in=.0768mm NOT .08 now this may seem trivial but I have a couple of vavles in the grey area. I have one that is right at .001in but in reality that is .0254mm that is a .0046mm smaller difference then the book calls for and if I decrease the shim 1 size smaller that gap will change to .0035in which is actually .0889mm which is larger then the specs call for, .0089mm larger then the specs call for. What is the accurate gaping, do you go with the metric scale or standard scale? Is it better to have a gap that is closer to the smaller side then one that is clearly just over the limit? I figured going with one that is slightly closer to the tighter end as wear will eventually increase. Suzuki gives 2 specs and they are not equal, .03mm-.08mm / .001- .003in like they would have you think or assume and even one of the sets of guages I have has the innacurate numbers it has .03mm and .001in on the same guage. I know this is trivial but when you have one or 2 valves near the limit which side of the fence do you go to. I dont want to have a tolerance that is already out of specs and end up with valve noise, but I also dont want too tight a tolerance causing other problems.
Has anyone else had to deal with this, one shim is too close and one is too large. Do I install a shim that I can easily slide .0035in guage into which puts me .0089mm out of tolerance right off the bat, or go larger and have my .001in guage slide in, .0254mm which is technically .0046mm too tight. Every other valve falls neatly in the middle where it isn't a problem, I just didn't know what guage to follow and what accuracy ball park and actual? I hope I didn't open a can of worms for anyone else who can't let something go that is clearly out of specs.
Any help would be appreciated before I bolt the valve cover back on.