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cam chain noise?
cam chain noise?
I have a 1980 GS 550L. I am recently hearing a strange noise that while riding sounds like air blowing through my helmet or a kind of rattle. The bike seems to run great. I notice it mostly at medium speeds and RPMs. It is not bad at idle. Could this be cam chain noise? It seems to be coming from that area. If so how do you fix it? Can it be adjusted out? Is it harmful? Many early thanks!!!:?
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It's always a bit hard to diagnose noises over the silent Internet...
But what I would do is pull off your cam-cover (top of engine) and see if there is any discernible slack in the camchain as you turn the engine over by hand. You can also measure the distance between 20 links (ie. 21 pins) and see how that compares to the wear tolerances listed in a manual for your bike.
If you cam chain is worn, it cannot be "adjusted out". You will need to install a new cam chain.
It could also be that your camchain tensioner isn't doing it's thing, but GS tensioners usually give no trouble apart from leaking oil through hardened O-rings and seals as they get olders.
Your cam chain tensioner is located on the back of the engine under the cabs. With the engine cold so you don't burn yourself reach in or use pliars and twist the knob on the tensioner. It should move freely and snap back to its original position. Sometimes they freeze up too much for the spring to rotate them. It may be all you have to do is break it loose.
But I ususally notice my cam chain most at idle.Believe in truth. To abandon fact is to abandon freedom.
Nature bats last.
80 GS850G / 2010 Yamaha Majesty / 81 GS850G
I have a 1978 GS550 nd had real struggles identifying a ratle that I thought was cam chain. After pulling off the vavle cover and having the noise leave I realized it was from the tachometer drive. On my 550 it goes through the vavle cover while on my other bikes it goes through the head. new seals have done wonders for the noise.