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cv-carb needle removal

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    cv-carb needle removal

    I posted this in "tips & tricks" but I'm not sure if it will get traffic that this forum does....sorry if I'm screwin' up by posting this here:

    Does anyone know of a "stock" set of snap-ring pliers that are strong, long and skinny enough to fit into the slide of a CV-carb to remove the snap-ring/retainer for needle removal. I have not been having any success trying to modify these relatively cheap tools. I keep bending and breaking the tips after I grind them down to fit!

    Thanks for any assistance: David

    I had a pair that I think are Craftsman that are reversible for use on "innies" and "outies". I didn't have to grind the tips, just the main body of the tool around the hinge to get it to fit. If you want to see a picture PM me with an email and I'll send one over.


      I've got the switchable craftsmans and they work for me also. A sharpened hemostat also works well, sometimes better.


        I'll second the use of hemostats, Just did the needle removal 10 min ago. I was looking for what should be done to a stock bike carb-wise while I had them apart.


          A cheap Master Mechanic pair with the body ground down on the bench grinder does the trick for me.
          Currently bikeless
          '81 GS 1100EX - "Peace, by superior fire power."
          '06 FZ1000 - "What we are dealing with here, is a COMPLETE lack of respect for the law."

          I ride, therefore I am.... constantly buying new tires.

          "Tell me what kind of an accident you are going to have, and I will tell you which helmet to wear." - Harry Hurt


            Thanks for the superb suggestions. I think I'll try to sharpen some of my old cigarette-holding "stats" I have left from the 70's.

            Thanks again: David


              Just a note:

              Yesterday I spent some 4 hours (in my chair in my livin' room) filing down a cheap pair of needle nose and low-&-behold I now have the most perfect set of CV-carb snap-ring pliers I have ever beheld. They look as if they were absolutely made for the application (of couse they were). However I still have a question.................while my creation works perfectly, I know that the initial steel of the cheap needle-nose was of low quality, is or would it be possible to "heat & quench" these buggers so that they will become slightly stiffer (without of course making them brittle)?

              My question is one of metalergy of course, can I take this less than qualily metal, heat and quench it and subsequently temper it to increase the life span of my creation? I hope so, these thing are perfect (and they sorta look pretty too.)

              Thanks: David

