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1980 gs550l:Changing fuel petcock cause I am tire of this...
1980 gs550l:Changing fuel petcock cause I am tire of this...
Problem with fuel leaking and going through carbs constantly. I have been finding out that on my 1980 gs550L that the fuel has been constantly leaking into the crancase passed the carbs. I was wondering why my oil smelled like fuel. I found out that this type of pressurized tank set-up on this bike is faulty. Ok carbs rebuilt with new petcock rebuilt doesn't solve the problem. Carbs sychronized and floats adjusted in bowls doesn't even solve the problem. No good for me to keep on riding and changing the oil more often then filling the tank. I am looking for solutions cause I do not want to get rid of it. If I have to replace the tank and petcock I will but... If anyone has an idea to make a custom petcock that I can turn off or maybe even another model that will fit my tank, or something let me know. Thanks DTags: None
Pingel makes petcocks for a variety of bikes, and most people seem to be pleased with them. I believe you need a special adapter to use it with your tank, but it should solve your problem.
I also have an '80 550L, and thankfully I haven't had a problem with the vacuum petcock.
Good Luck!
Steve 8)
First it is not a pressure system UNLESS you have things hooked up incorrectly. & your petcock rebuild was not successful !!!!!!! Recheck your work
Good points, Lynn, but I'm guessing he probably just phrased it wrong...
Still, as Lynn points out, if the rebuild went properly you WON'T have a continuous flow problem, because the valve only opens when the carb draws a vacuum -- that can only happen when the engine is turning over.
One more thing ... although the petcock doesn't have a lever, I'm told it IS possible to put it into a PRIME position (using a small screwdriver). Make sure you haven't inadvertently put it into the prime position ... otherwise fuel will flow without a vacuum.
Good Luck!
Steve 8)
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Replacing the petcock is sort of a given with any 20+ year old bike. It's probably the first thing to replace when you buy a motorcycle of a certain age and unknown history. Don't feel too bad about it!1983 GS850G, Cosmos Blue.
2005 KLR685, Aztec Pink - Turd II.3, the ReReReTurdening
2015 Yamaha FJ-09, Magma Red Power Corrupts...
Eat more venison.
Please provide details. The GSR Hive Mind is nearly omniscient, but not yet clairvoyant.
Celeriter equita, converteque saepe.
Co-host of "The Riding Obsession" sport-touring motorcycling podcast at!
Also, even if the petcock isn't shutting off, fuel should not flow into your crankcase unless your needle valves in your carbs are not sealing. Unless the fuel is leaking down the vacuum hose from the petcock then it sounds like your carbs need attention as well.
Replacing the petcock is sort of a given with any 20+ year old bike. It's probably the first thing to replace when you buy a motorcycle of a certain age and unknown history. Don't feel too bad about it!
I recently replaced the vacuum operated petcock on my 1980 GS1100E and purchased it from BikeBandit. I don't remember the price, but I do remember that I left it on prime and had fuel leaking out of the left hand side carb. Once I put it back to normal, no more problem.
I completed reassembling the petcock on my 81 GS850 this afternoon, with a rebuild kit obtained from my local 'Zuki dealer. Basically a new diaphragm, gasket for the diaphragm plate, an o-ring for the revolving port shaft, and an o-ring for the base of the petcock to the tank. (My existing diaphragm was so stiff that vacuum couldn't flex it).
At any rate, it seals and works fine in the "ON" & "RESERVE" position, but I couldn't make it flow fuel in the "PRIME" position. Had to prime the carbs with my external tank that I use while adjusting carbs, then reconnected the bike's tank and lines and cranked and drove the bike around a bit. I had a tiny spring (resembling the one in the tail end of a ballpoint pen) left over that I couldn't figure out the location for. It occurred to me as I sat and read the replies on this post, that that spring in some fashion mechanically pushes the diaphragm open to allow the fuel to flow in the "PRIME" position.
Way to go guys! you've solved my problem and I never even posted the question!!
Of course, I still have to figure exactly where that danged spring goes. I played with it for the better part of an hour to begin with, and it never "fell magically into place". Anyone have a fresh memory of the order of assembly internally??
(Dang! It just occurred to me as I hit the enter button that I'm hijacking someone else's post!) Disregard this here and I'll repost it correctly. STOOPIE Ole man!
See the new post you put up...2010 Honda VFR1200F
1983 Suzuki GS750T (sold)
Being Revisited
1981 Honda CM400T
Thanks to all...
I appreciate the help guys. You all are my support system when it comes to working on my bike. SqdanceLynn uhhh.... nevermind. The information that I got I am working on in a few days. The weather is to cold for me to even think about going anywhere near my bike at least until this weekend.
I pray that everyone has a Merry Christmas and bring in the New Year safely. I will post next week and let everyone knwo the good news. IS THE ANY CHANCE SOMEONE HAS A RIGHT GS550L SIDE COVER IN BLUE AS A STOCKING STUFFER FOR ME. Santa need a new side cover this year.Riding to fast last year for that lil cover to hold on. Peace D from N.C.
I bought a new petcock for my 550 last winter to replace mine that dripped fuel when not running. It was definitly worth the $70 to avoid the headache of a rebuild kit gone wrong.