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Carb Sync Hose Barbs

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    Carb Sync Hose Barbs

    Hi, I'm in the process of building a homemade carb sync tool. I have never done a sync before on my 1980 gs850. Does anyone know the part number of the hose barb for the intake manifold or an alternative fitting I could use. Thanks Ted

    Great question!

    I used some plastic thingys that melted when the motor got hot. I got my instructions from a BMW (2cyl) site. Adjust 1-2 then 3-4 then 2-3 = didn't work with my melting adapters.

    How are you building your sync tool? 2 or 4 cyl at a time?



      I actually got four studs of the correct thread and drilled holes through them. I put a nut and an O ring on each. When I sync the carbs, I screw them in by hand and then just give the nut a twist to lock it in.


        I'm going to use an aluminum manifold with tapped holes for the 4 hose barbs on top and a long side hole to join all the barbs and also to fill the lines with ATF. I plan to connect 4 vacuum hoses at one time and sync. them all at once. I'II post a picture of the sync tool when I'm done. I read somewhere that #2 & #3 have a bit lower vacuum then cyl's #1 & #4. Is that true? That's a good idea for making the barbs. Thanks Ted


          carb sync hose barbs

          go to google and type in morgan carbtune.once on there sight,go to accessories,you will find what your looking for.


            Here is a picture of the sync. manifold. The 90 degree fittting on the side is for fillling the hoses with ATF and will be pugged after filling. The hole from the side is drilled length wise and connects to each barb. It should work I hope. Thanks Ted


              Looks cool to me. Though I'm no expert. I tried making the 4 hose deal on a Yard stick and filled it with 2 cycle oil. Didn't quite get it too work. I got close with it, but I think I lost vacuum in 1 of the hoses.

              #2 & #3 should have the same vacuum. What is meant is that you Can adjust these 2 carbs just a smidge lower because they are the 2 inside cylinders and tend to run a smidge Hotter. So, by setting them lower than the outside 2 cyclinders, you help balance that out.

              Keep the Pics coming. This is intersting.


                bjrehill's link -->

                Motion Pro - High quality cables, tools and controls for motorcycles, ATVs, snowmobiles and personal watercraft.

                Great stuff.

                I found these too. Might be worth just buying. I love the DIY idea, but sometimes is cheaper and easier to just buy the wheel that's already invented.

                turns out one of my friends has a sync tool minus the 5mm adapters.

                Last edited by Guest; 02-08-2006, 04:58 PM.


                  I just ordered a set of these adapters from each company. One set for my buddy's snyc tool that are missing, and one set for my future homemade tool that i'm going to design after his.

                  $8 for the barbed ones including shiping, and about $14 for the motion pro ones (with shipping)

                  Last edited by Guest; 02-08-2006, 05:05 PM.


                    Have you calculated how long the hoses will need to be for the ATF? :-D


                      The gauge itself will 36" long and I plan to have 4 ft of hose to the bike, for a total of about 7 ft. I can always cut off extra if the hose is too long. I am just concerned with using oil. I know mercury does not stick to anything, but the oil will stick to the inside of the the tube when the level fluctuates and I don't know if that will affect balancing the carbs accurately. Thanks Ted


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