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81 GS450s Electrical problems...

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    81 GS450s Electrical problems...

    Hey Guys,

    Well, finally got around to working on the GS again, and I am still having a problem with the harness. I have bought 2 of them from EBAY, and can not seem to get the right one, so I am gonna fix the one I have

    Here is the problem...

    1 - Tach does not work.... but not the main problem

    2 - In the cluster that is in the rubber boot (left side of bike, by the RR) if I hold it up, the bike starts up and runs good. If I hang it down, no spark, nothing. I know it is probably one freakin wire that is shot, but has anyone had this problem before (trying to narrow down the wire) or have these connectors been prone to dying? I am debating running all new wires, but not sure if the short is in the brain or what.... any help would be greatly appreciated!


    The Connector from the Brain to the harness was acting up. I bypased the connector, and now she is running good.

    But what about that Tach now....


      Seems to me that you have a cable-drive tach, so there are not too many things to check.

      The first thing to check is cable routing. If there is bend anythere it restrics the movement inside the cable, mayeven jam it, which leads to the next problem:

      Remove the cable from the engine (when cool) and check the fitting on the end of the comes loose and spins on the cable,usually because of the concern above.

      You could replace the inner cable, or find another compmete unit, but it is possible to repair the cable end with a piece of brass.

      You MIGHT succeed in tightening the original, after cleaning it and the cable end, then adding a dab of KB Weld or something similar, but be very careful when crimping it as it breaks easily.

      Even if that is the problem, disconnect both ends and then remove the cable from the will need to be checked for fraying and lubricated before reassembly.

      If it seems rusty inside you can run some WD40 or similar to loosen it up, or soak the sheath overnight.....or just put in a few drops of oil and let it sit flat.

      After letting it sit, hold it vertical and run more WD40 through it, then let it dry, reoil and it is ready tr use.

      Clean and dry the inner cable, then run a piece of emery paper lightly over it, to remove burrs. Put a coating of light grease, (I use Moly grease,) on the cable itself before do that hold the grease between your fingers and slowly draw the cable through the grease, to cover it completely.

      DON'T do it just might still have a burr and that will cut your hand.
      A take-away:


        Thanks for the great advice!


          Ok, I had problems with my tach cable for a while. Take it off and clean it well.
          The actual cable inside can be taken out, at least with mine, and cleaned.
          I lubricated it with engine oil before assembly. It seems that engine oil enters the cable from the head (where the gear is located). The spinning motion may help oil travel up the cable, lubricating it's entire length. Anyway, if the cable is grimey or dry it seems to "coil-up" on itself and become to short, pulling the square end out of the tacho housing. It can do this because its made like a spiral spring and not a pice of wire.

          Anyway it did the trick for me!

