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bike won't start at all

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    bike won't start at all

    when i bush the starter button nothing happends.i tried the screwdriver-relay and the motorstarted to turn over but not with the starterbutton what is wrong with this hunk of junck lol? i also baught a new starter button housing but still waiting for it i thingk it is the starter button housing but not sure help.....


    bike won't start at all

    What bike are you talking about? Try the easy stuff first. Is the kill switch turned off? Did you pull in the clutch while trying to start it? Is there a fuse to check? Does the starter relay get power when you push the starter button? If the relay does not get 12 volts, do the following on the harness side of the connectors in the headlight shell: connect the clutch swich wires together and connect the kill switch wires together. Then while still in the headlight shell, touch the starter swtch wire together while measuring the voltage at the starter relay. If you get the voltage now, either the clutch and/or kill switch or their wiring is causing a problem. If still no voltage, may very well be a fuse or wiring problem.



      Try your clutch switch first. Mine was giving me all sorts of problems untill I just finally bypassed it. It was VERY wore out.


        I had a similer problem with an 850G I had. I took apart the start button housing and cleaned off the contacts with a pencil eraser, after that at least the button worked.Other problems followed with the engine on an unrelated issue.If the bike has been sitting for a while you might run into alot of problems with poor contact, and bad grounding.WD-40 will work for alot of that. Hope this helps .



          Originally posted by dallyr
          Try your clutch switch first. Mine was giving me all sorts of problems untill I just finally bypassed it. It was VERY wore out.

          I had the same problem and the same results.


            bike won't start

            thanks guys is was the kill switch.i took some sand paper and sanded it alittle and ajusted the clutch and then it turned over now i have to do is get the gas tank repainted and patched up and the carbs rebuilt,and the rear and front breaks working.....

            thanks again every one


              Bike will not turn over.

              I replaced the clutch lever switch on my 79 GS850 with a used one and it worked for a day.
              I would like to bypass the switch all together without causing any further electrical concerns. Can you advise on the recommended method to bypass this switch all together.


                Re: Bike will not turn over.

                Originally posted by Rev'n Kevin
                I replaced the clutch lever switch on my 79 GS850 with a used one and it worked for a day.
                I would like to bypass the switch all together without causing any further electrical concerns. Can you advise on the recommended method to bypass this switch all together.
                In order to bypass any swItch one must forst determine if it is a normally open or normally closed switch--if a switch is normally closed. then Just removing one of the wires to it will defeat its function--if a switch is normally open then the 2 wires to the normally open switch must be permanantly joined--other factors MUST BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION--IN THIS CASE IF THE SWITCH IS A NORMALLY OPEN SWITCH, WHAT EXACTLY OCCURS WHEN THE TWO WIRES ARE JOINED IS THE QUESTION--


                  If you are going to bypass your clutch switch, you could simply use a wire splice to join the two wires that enter it together. However, if you have ever in a fit of stupidity turned your bike over while it is in gear and the clutch is out, you will likely know this switch does serve a purpose.

                  They are a bit tedious to clean but are very simple little devices that respond to tlc, cleaning and lubrication. I would try to get it working first, and if you fail, then bypass it.

                  The upside is that if you know how your clutch switch also know how your front brake light switch works...

                  Good luck.


                    If you want to bypass the clutch saftey switch do it at your own risk. unplug the switch from the wiring harness then plug the two wiring harness wires together


                      Clutch safety switch

                      The clutch safety switch is now in fact working properly , it appears that the neutral indicator switch is acting up. After jiggling the wire beside the gear shift lever the starter can now working properly.
                      Thanks for the tips on bypassing the switch.
                      I will bypass it as as a last resort if it acts up again.

