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Sync tool/air adj all 4 carbs-homemade?

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    Originally posted by 5RON5
    stopped by my psychiatrist to pick my med's, caught on fire & burned ..
    Dude....sorry to hear your having a ruff go at it. Hope you get things sorted out soon.


      Originally posted by ruddy

      That sounds like a nice project. If you could find some cheaper vacuum gages you could put one on each carb. Maybe mount them to a piece of plywood.



        BEN! Thanks so much for you link to the homemade adj'er! It was a big help & I might just make one! I could afford that & if it does work, I'd have it a long time! I just can't quit make out if I'm right about the 2 connections in the PVC pipe! Am I right about the 2 connections; one going to the gauge/hose, from one side of the pipe? And the other hose/adjusters, to the other end of the PVC pipe? Can you tell if that's about it? I'd hate to go through all that work, & have it not work on me! HA! Please let me know if that's about right or not if ya get a chance to.. And to BRET: Thank you for your sincerity on my iditoness! That's probably not a word, but it should be concerning me on that last stunt! OKAY! my stupidness I should of went straight home after getting t he necessary "O" ring for the petcock, & not made just one more stop! I may have prevented this 'lil mishap all together! Thanks everyone w/your help! Now the process of rebuilding what I screwed up! On on my way!!!!!!!!!


          You're welcome 5ron5, but I just quoted ruddy's post. The four vacuum lines go from the carbs to the four-way valve, then one line goes to the PVC pipe, and the last line connects from the other end of the PVC pipe to the vacuum gauge. Let me know if you find any cheap vacuum gauges.


            Ya! Hay Ben!

            I can't believe my luck; at what I hope is my luck, that is! I was in a thrift shop today, & I found a meter just laying there, hooked into it's own plastic container w/on & off switch w/LED's on it & an LED light & the works! But I don't think any of the stuff worked, but the gauge does! Only thing is, I don't know if it can be used for a manometer gauge or not! Here's what it is: It's a gauge from "0"-starting at 20, numerically! Then with 4 smaller marks, adding up to 2 points each or whatever, then a larger blacker line, representing 30, then 4 more smaller marks, representing the next bigger blacker numerical mark,& the #40, & 4 more to the big blk mark rep'n 50! & so on! All the way to 300. On the very bottom, it says:mmHg. It says in the middle "NELKIN" I guess made by! And under that in the middle, it says:SPHYGMOMANOMETER!!! I can't begin to tell ya, that I hope it'll work! I sucked on the valve outlet for a hose to hook up to, & the gauge moved from the 300, backwards! Then i blew into it, & it moved from 0 up the gauge the right way! Please tell me it'll work! And I found a air box for a '77 750EN, that has the right or the same # as mine does! It had all 4 of the outlets going from the air box to the carbs, that Suzuki calls the "drain hose X 4, you know, the ones w/the clamps around? Well, mine burned up! I got the hoses too & the air filter too! All I need is the 2 end rubber pieces & I think I may be on my way. I still have to paint it & do other things. But if this gauge works, I may be on he road sooner that first expected! If ya can, please let me know if you think this thing'll work as a vacuum gauge that I need for the homemade apparatus I am going to make! Thanks again! You could PM me if ya wanted or email-either way!


              You sure are excited about this project.
              A sphygmomanometer is a blood pressure gauge. I don't think the gauge will work because its units of measure are millimeters of mercury (mmHg). I think the vacuum on the carbs will be too high for those units of measure. At the very least it will be too erratic to read. Look for a gauge that is measurable in units of centimeters of mercury (cmHg) or inches of mercury (inHG). Also make sure that it starts at a value (e.g. 30 inHG or 76 cmHg) and has values that decrease clockwise to zero (atmospheric pressure). It also may or may not measure pressure on the other side of the zero mark. I could be wrong though.



                Oh S---! I really thought I had something there! My god, how the heck do ya know all that stuff? About which readings to have & what not to have? You some kind'a chemist or something? Or did I not listen, as usual, in school? Well, I know that's true! HA! I wouldn't know the difference if it came up & bit me! Now I think I know what the - you are saying & what kind of gauge I have to be on the-the-look-out for! At least I hope I have you to advise me when & if I ever run into something that looks about right! I may have to let you know before I invest in one, & that way maybe I won't make a mistake, again! Yes, since I got the bike, I can't hardly be comfortable anymore w/o it! It's killing me not to be able to ride it! It's like way back when, when I first , well, discovered girls! HA! After the first, I couldn't wait till the next time I could-, ride my bike again! HA!HA! I found a air box, I think I mentioned, & it doesn't either have the end rubber pieces that fill up the end cover. But I read somewhere in our posts, that somebody made their own, using some kind'a glue or something. But I've tried to find it & naturally I can't find it anywhere! It was some kind'a good stuff that could withstand gas & the such, & not hurt the rubber that it would be touching! I've got one. But not the other! I think I can find some rubber gasket material somewhere & make one, if I can find out what kind'a stick'em to use! Another thing is; the rubber "drain hose 4, on the air box, well, those are real hard on the inside of the box, but good enough to go over the carbs when I get that far. Don't they have to be air tight too? I mean, I noticed where around them, on the outside of the air box, somebody had put something around that hose, they call it, I guess for it to seal & not have any air escaping around them. Is that what I should do, 'cause they are hard & old enough to leak around them? Would it be okay to put some kind'a sealer around them too? If so what would be recommended? I sure hope it'd be all right, 'cause I went ahead & bought the dang thing now! Thanks for your help!!!!!


                  Originally posted by 5RON5
                  My god, how the heck do ya know all that stuff? About which readings to have & what not to have? You some kind'a chemist or something?
                  My cat told me. He's really smart. :-D


                    Well, whatever ya do, don't get rid of that cat! So smart, bet he's still got all 9 lives left, right? Or was it right to left? Who knows; the cat do! Thanks again!!!!! Ron...

