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fuel level in clear hose?

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    fuel level in clear hose?

    Does any one know what the proper fuel level would be, with a clear fuel line screwed into the bottom of the float bowl and feld up beside the outside of the bowl?

    fuel bowl level!

    I just read that somewhere awhile back! I had the same problem, actually, I still do & haven't fixed it yet. But I'm on my way out now to do just that! Anyway, I think I read that if you use that clear hose, & hook it to where you specified, & bend it w/a sharp bend, going up, watch not to crink the hose to far, straight up & hold it close to the bowl extending it up past the top of the bowl, I believe the level of where it should be, should be just at the very top of the bowl, where the bowl connects to the carbs! At least I think that's what I read. It makes since to be there, if ya think about it. The float should force gas up to, but not passed that mark between the bowl & the base of the carb! Please don't quote me. I thought I'd give ya a start until somebody w/knowledge can give ya the exact measurement for it! And the location of the fuel level. Your better off just getting a measuring tool & re-doing your floats! I used that clear hose thing, to see if my floats were, in fact, overfilling! It is a start that I hope I have right. So good luck. And I'm sure someone with a better understanding of it'll be along soon! Ya know, going through all the past posts', is where I found quit-a-bit about carbs! Seems that 75% of all questions are carbs related! Good luck now, I hope it helped some... Ron..


      Fuel Level

      That's the way it tested. Most manufacturers don't specify a fuel level though. I havn't ever checked one of mine, but hear from most I'm inclined to listen to that the level should be just below the top of the float bowl. If you've got them off I'd set the float to spec and test it before installing them. Just take a piece hose attached to the fill barb and fill them. I've primed carbs on other bikes this way. I use the top off of a quart bottle of gear lube as a funnel. I'd be interested in knowing what you get for a level. Please let us know.


        Look in the Service Manual that you have for the model bike you have. It will give you a float level height. That dimension is most often set with the carbs removed and inverted on a bench. The dimension given will be from the Bottom of the float tang to the top surface of the carb body. (Top and bottom here obviously refers to the carb upside down). At any rate, If you set the floats there properly, then reassemble the float bowls to the carbs and reinstall the carbs to the engine... you will have the proper fuel level. NOW connect your clear fuel line and suspend it above the carb and see exactly where the fuel level is relative to the float bowl parting surface. Mark it and you have a point to check it against in the future. But you have to set it correctly the first time, by the book. After that you can use your mark to check it.



          This pic is from factory manual. I think all sizes are the same measurements.


            Forgot to mention, pic is for 81 1100 but I think all are measured the same. Bike should be on centerstand and idling at 950-1150 rpm.


              Thank you arveejay that is what I was looking for. I have already set the float level three times, with new needle and seats, I still have a cylinder that keeps floating the air cleaner. One day I left it on prime and the next morning hydrolocked it and pulled all the plugs to blow the fuel out.


                Fuel level in clear hose:

                Would that apply to a '79 GS750L also? A bit late for me though, but will need that info if it is the same for mine! As I had a clear hose under the bottom of my bowl, 'cause the float sometimes over filled, & it caught on fire last night & burned some stuff! But if that is for my bike too, it will help me soon!

