Unstable idle:
Idle raises to 2 or 3k rpm on its own, sometimes after being reved it will only return to 2-3rpm then slowly drop to 1100. I do not think it is the throttle cabling as I have held the throttle against the idle adjustment screw as it was fluctuating. I also checked the intake boots w/ the WD-40 method posted on this site and saw no results, I will try it again with a spray bottle and water just to be sure.
If I bring the motor up to 3-4k rpm it starts loudly popping rapidly. I also get less violent backfiring on decel.
"Caughing" out carbs:
Occasionally at idle or under decel the carbs will make a "puuuuhhh" sound and the idle will drop.
Slow Fuel Leak:
I have a clear fuel hose and after letting the bike sit overnight with the fuel off there is not longer fuel in the line. There are usually drips of fuel on the bottom of each bowl and it looks as if fuel is seaping out through the bowl gasket area. Could this be just that the bowls are not sealed well? Bad needle valves? Sidestand issue?
3+4 lean:
Plugs 3 and 4 are greyish white in color after idling, 4 more so than 3. I'm thinking that this might be b/c the bike is on its sidestand but Im not sure.
I think thats about it, obviously it needs a carb synch but I think some of these things are beyond that and want to see what you all think about all the issues and what might possibly be causing them.
Additionally, I know that my compression won't be great until it gets broken in a little. Should I be okay riding this bike around in its current condition? I have ridden it around in 1st, it feels strong... no bogging or surging below 5k rpm.Thats a long post, sorry... thanks for your input.