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Running horrible
Running horrible
I have an 81 GS1100, it starts very good and I assume idles good (never heard what a properly tuned 1100 sounds like). The problem is when I am riding it, when I increase the throttle the bike begins to sputter and sounds like it is just trying to keep running when under acceleration. I assumed that this was just due to the fact like an idiot I forgot to flush the gas tank and treat the rust in it but when I got I back together it had the same problem. So I again took the carbs off an did a more thorough cleaning with the carb dip. During the dismantling of the carbs I stripped all four of the heads of the air screws and one air jet even with the right tools. So I had to carefully drill them out and use and extractor. But once I get the carbs back together will this fix my original problem? Also since I am a dirt poor college student with about 17 dollars to my name does anyone know where I can get cheap replacements for the screws and jet? Thanks
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Billy Ricks
Billy Ricks
BTW, if you do a good thorough job of cleaning then it should run great as long as the carbs aren't totally shot and the ignition is in good order.
The coils failed on my '81 GS1100E at about 11,000 miles. Dyna coils and wires cost me about $120 from Ebay. Installation is do-it-yourself. My bike had been running well, but began to lose power and run very rough intermittently. Later, it ran a little rough all the time. Still, even on those days when it would begin running badly, it would start and idle well until warm. I understand the OEM coils break down under load (like accelerating), at higher rpm, and especially when they heat up: Hence my intermittent problems.
Billy Ricks
Originally posted by dietcokekingThe coils failed on my '81 GS1100E at about 11,000 miles. Dyna coils and wires cost me about $120 from Ebay. Installation is do-it-yourself. My bike had been running well, but began to lose power and run very rough intermittently. Later, it ran a little rough all the time. Still, even on those days when it would begin running badly, it would start and idle well until warm. I understand the OEM coils break down under load (like accelerating), at higher rpm, and especially when they heat up: Hence my intermittent problems.
Originally posted by Billy RicksHate to burst your bubble but the stock coils are about as good as it gets. I had a set of Dynas once and one of them gave up the ghost in short order. The best repacement is a set of cheap, low mileage coils from as late a model Suzuki as you can find. You can usually get them off ebay for about $30 a set. I can replace mine 4 times for what a set of Dynas cost.
This is great. The GSR never fails to save me money!
Originally posted by akreiderI have an 81 GS1100, it starts very good and I assume idles good (never heard what a properly tuned 1100 sounds like). The problem is when I am riding it, when I increase the throttle the bike begins to sputter and sounds like it is just trying to keep running when under acceleration. I assumed that this was just due to the fact like an idiot I forgot to flush the gas tank and treat the rust in it but when I got I back together it had the same problem. So I again took the carbs off an did a more thorough cleaning with the carb dip. During the dismantling of the carbs I stripped all four of the heads of the air screws and one air jet even with the right tools. So I had to carefully drill them out and use and extractor. But once I get the carbs back together will this fix my original problem? Also since I am a dirt poor college student with about 17 dollars to my name does anyone know where I can get cheap replacements for the screws and jet? Thanks
Have you checked to see if your main jet is plugged. The bike will run ok until you give it some gas. If the main jets are plugged(it dont take much) the bike will run like its bogging on excessive air. Run it with the choke on and see if your problem improves. If it does, take a pek thru those jets.EULC ON
Originally posted by Billy RicksHate to burst your bubble but the stock coils are about as good as it gets. I had a set of Dynas once and one of them gave up the ghost in short order. The best repacement is a set of cheap, low mileage coils from as late a model Suzuki as you can find. You can usually get them off ebay for about $30 a set. I can replace mine 4 times for what a set of Dynas cost.
Forum LongTimerCharter Member
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Past Site Supporter- May 2002
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- Toronto, Canada
If you had rust in the tank then you almost certainly have a blockage at the petcock.
There is a screen attached to it, inside the tank. If it gets plugged, you simply do not get enough fuel flow to run hard.
Steam would be recommended, but is not always available.
The easiest means of dealing with this is to drain and remove the tank from the bike, then pour in some hot water and swirl it around the tank, then invert it quickly and dump the water.
Do this several times and you should have a cleaner tank....BUT it is exposed to rust, so it needs to be dried and re-filler right away.
Drying is an advance preparation.
Use a vacuum cleaner with a long-flexible hose.
Let the exhaust blow into the tank through the hose.
Alternatively, and faster, and definitely much more dangerous, you could use a hair dryer set on HIGH, and run it through the vacuum cleaner hose.
Using the hose is absolutely essential when using the hair dryer.
It is extremely dangerous to poke the dryer into the tank and turn it on, as there will be electrical sparks caused by the brushes in the dryer and even though you washed out the tank there will still be vapours, and they can be explosive.
After that, refill the tank with fresh gas, and install an in-line fuel filter.
Second point.....if you are running without an air filter you will get similar results to what you described, as the engine will run too lean as soon as you open the throttle.A take-away:
I expect you're correct, especially about trying for the latest model OEM coils you can find. The '81 OEM coils didn't hold up too well on my really clean, fair-weather, heated garage stored, low miles GS! If these Dynas fail early, I'm gonna check Ebay as you suggest.
That said, my investment is probably sound. Dynatech have been around forever, and I think they have a pretty good reputation (the odd failure notwithstanding). I do love to save money, though!
Originally posted by Billy RicksHate to burst your bubble but the stock coils are about as good as it gets. I had a set of Dynas once and one of them gave up the ghost in short order. The best repacement is a set of cheap, low mileage coils from as late a model Suzuki as you can find. You can usually get them off ebay for about $30 a set. I can replace mine 4 times for what a set of Dynas cost.