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Erratic Idle and throttle responce.

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    Erratic Idle and throttle responce.

    Hello, I just finished re-building the upper part of the engine on my used 92 GS500e. It ran great before I tore It down the only reason I did so was to take the head in to the local machine shop to remove a broken bolt (one of 4 that hold my exaust pipe in place) So now its re-assembled, Iv checked the oreitation of all the fuel,drain/vent hoses ect. I took it out for a ride yesterday and im noticing that the idle is erratic (does get better after the bike gets warmed up) and the throttle responce seems in-consistant. When I had it apart I didnt change anything with the carbs. So Im kinda wondering what is it?? Im thinking possably my throttle cable could be sticking a bit or somthing, but the action seems smooth.. perhaps its my fuelcock and the old fuel tubing I have? (not sure but it looks stock, but its not dripping!) How do I Find out what? Do my carbs need a good cleaning? any ideas or suggestions would be appriciated, thanks for your time.


    How long were the carbs off the bike? Did you drain the fuel when you took them off? If not...and they were off for any period of time...gas can gumm up in the jets and cause poor fuel/air mixture.


      Ahh haa

      Ahh Haa I see, yep I had them off for a few days some but not all of the fuel leaked out...ok so if my jets are gumed up..what is the procedure to clean them? If possable id like to be able to do this with tearing the carbs apart.. Geesh I have alot to learn..
      thanks for the info


        there is a good carb cleaning procedure on this site...check it probally dont need to take them apart..but at least clean the jets.



          Ok, will check it out..thanks for your help camaroman.


            Well if its not too bad just take it on the highway for a good hour at high rpm's that will clean it out. Or you can do an Italian tune-up (Ducati carb trick), rev the engine and put your hand or a rag over the air intake and it will suck all the crap out of the carbs. Not as good as taking them apart though, but if they are not that bad it fixes them right up.


              Its fixed!

              I just went and re-built the carbs, was my first time doing carbs of this type. It wouldnt run at all at first..I was realy worried and frustrated ( Im generaly good at putting stuff back together )..then I discoverd that I had neglected to connect the vacume hose Still new to this type of carb configuration so I mistakenly thought it was a drain hose, after I connected that it started and has been running like a swiss watch ever since!! Woo hoo my first motercycle carb rebuild!!


                Glad everything worked out for you.

