This is an '82 GS650GTZ I've recently acquired and started to work on. Aside from the side cover and battery,
there seems to be something missing here. Looking at the wire routing diagrams in the service manual, I see
a Rectifier/Regulator lead and Signal Generator lead going to a box in that should sit to the upper right of
the battery. As well, there should be a starter relay underneath that and a turn signal relay on the other side near
the bottom of the battery.
Is that right? All of the leads coming into this area of the frame have been cut.
Looking at some of the other loose wires, I was encouraged to work one out right away. It connects to the fuel gage. Heartened, I started looking at the mystery switch on the left handle bar. It seems to run to the right turn signal, so I removed the left handlebar switch to see if anything had been disconnected.
Unfortunately, the wire bundle that connects to the switch was positioned such that I couldn't see clearly what was going where. In a move of near Einsteinian genius, I clipped out the tie wrap holding it in place and undid the screw holding the switch plate.
Can you guess what happened next?
Sproing! Parts in all directions. I've found all the bits to the horn and the Hi-beam/Low-beam switch. I have a plastic slider, a copper connection plate and two springs that belong to the turn signal switch. Now all I need to do is figure out how, exactly, they go back together and whether or not I'm missing anything else.
Does anyone have any experience with these? Perhaps some kind soul could draw me a nice picture of what's supposed to be there and where it's supposed to go.[-o<